#24: Butterflies We Once Felt

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Middle of the Battlefield

Rikina found herself running towards the other exit since the tunnel was blocked. She needs to get a motorcycle to reach Washuu's headquarters before Urie and Kuroiwa die in the hands of Furuta. She was stopped by a huge block of debris which was slashed by Ui. "Tha-", she stopped as Ui thrust his sword on her which she barely evaded. "Absurd as this may sound but I am not on anyone's side. I am only here to get my bike", Rikina waved her hands. "I'm not here to laugh at your jokes", the man went down and was able to sweep her feet. Rikina was fast to regain her composure but didn't have enough time to evade Ui's attack. The man furrowed his brow at the sight of his former comrade using kagune to stop his sword. "Every second I spend here fighting you is also the amount of time Urie and the rest are struggling to fight Furuta", Rikina backed off by jumping away. "Are they also your recruits?", Ui's eye twitched. 

"Furuta... I don't know what his deal is but I have a gut feeling he's not someone who has a genuine desire for a better place to live in", Rikina looked at Ui's eyes. "And these ghouls can make this place a better place to live in by eradicating all humans? Maybe leaving some for them not to starve to death?", the man stepped forward. "I have no answer yet but I am willing to wait. That's why I don't want to fight you or any of my CCG comrades. Who knows who is right or wrong? Maybe none of us are. Maybe ghouls don't have to kill humans to stay alive. Maybe humans doesn't have to kill ghouls to feel safe. Maybe we can live together if we just try-", Rikina was about to finish what she was about to say when she felt a stabbing in her stomach. 

"That's some nonsense you're talking about, Imai-san", Mutsuki just knew that Touka is pregnant and was furious about it. Rikina knew she could not stay longer so she used her kagune, all eight of them to swing everyone around and get to where she was supposed to. 

Ui just watched her escape. "Aren't you going after her?", Mutsuki stood from being slammed by Rikina's kagune. The man watched her back and remembered how the lady would always follow him during missions. 

Why are you always following me? I'm not going to save your ass when you get caught by ghouls. We're all responsible for our lives. 

Uhm. That's what I like about you, Koori-san. I know you won't give me any special treatment just because I am the youngest. 

Are you trying to make me feel bad?

That's actually a compliment. 

Washuu's Headquarter

 Rikina didn't stop running until he reached the main office. She looked down the floor and saw Kuroiwa already dead. Marude holding a gun and Furuta is down on the ground with blood flowing from his head. "Leave this place at once", she stepped forward. "What are you doing here? You're no longer part of the CCG and you even dare command your superior", Marude gave a short laugh. "Urie, bring Takeomi-kun his father's body. Marude, take all your men and leave this place at once. I cannot assure their safety once this monster comes back to life", she said with a serious tone. 

"You can't deal with him alone", Urie stood and held on her shoulder. Suddenly, there was a tremor. A huge lump of unidentifiable creature grew from the ground. Furuta was raised from the dead and gave a loud laugh as if it was his victory. "It finally started", he said in euphoria. "Urie, the battle is just starting. I may not know what happens after this but I believe you will all be needed", Rikina activated her kagune. Furuta grabbed one of the investigators behind Marude and ate him. "Go!", Rikina shouted. Urie tightened his grip on the lady's shoulder. "Urie. When I first had to go on a mission, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I visited the toilet a couple of times before taking off. I barely escaped death back then but I was confident to come back alive. I am having the same feeling", Rikina grabbed his hand and dropped it. 

"That's so brave of you, Akihiro's daughter", Furuta clapped and raised his sword. The two had clashed. The room is in ruins and they moved to other rooms also creating ruins out of it. Rikina couldn't keep track of the number of times she had to regrow her limbs. If she was still a human and he has to fight of the Furuta, she's long dead by now. They reached the rooftop and Rikina was able to lock Furuta's sword having him slam on the ground. Rikina used her kagune to pin the man on the ground. He was stabbed multiple times. Furuta went back on his knees and used his kagune to drill a hole in the lady's chest. "Looks familiar", he smirked. The fighting went on. 

Rikina feels dizzy from losing a lot of blood. Even if her regeneration is fast, she still cannot replenish herself by eating human flesh. She used her chains to keep her standing while her kagune did the attacking. Furuta also can no longer regrow his arms. Before Rikina's quinque lands on the man's head, Furuta's men escape with him. 

The lady lay flat on the ground with her blood making a pool around. She looked at the hole created by their clashes and saw the blue sky. She bit her lip and regretted not being able to end Furuta's life. She always had the idea of defeating the boss of the game so no more allies of her will have to die. Now, more of her comrades might be in rubble. Rikina's eyes started to form tears in her frustration. She feels so bad about being the weaker one compared to Furuta. Even if she is, Rikina would re-do the battle a thousand times if it would keep her loved ones from getting killed. 

Hospital Room

"Dr. Akihiro. Your daughter's life is already stabilized. As for Kaneki Ken, we couldn't figure out a way to wake him", another doctor came to report. Ui escorted the doctor out of the room. After a peace pact with the ghoul, the man finally came to terms with himself and decided to join Hirako in supporting the other ghouls to defeat Furuta. Akihiro sat on the chair next to Rikina and held her hand. The lady is in critical condition but all her limbs regenerated. When Urie brought her to the hospital, all her limbs had been cut off and her eyes even gauged but she was able to become whole again in three days. 

"I would like to apologize, Dr. Imai-san", Ui bowed his head very low. "What are you apologizing for?", the man asked without looking at him. The investigator sounded upset and genuine in his apology. "If only I was stronger, if only I had more power, someone young as Imai wouldn't have to be fighting in the front line. Because I am lacking, I cannot just tell her to stop fighting because I am not even confident to protect her", he bit his lip making it bleed. Akihiro had a small smile. He recalled a familiar memory. 

If only I could be more human, there would be no RC cells to be present in her blood. 

But because you cannot be more human, are there other things you can think of to make her feel more human?

"Koori Ui, right? She speaks so highly of you, always. She was amazed at how a person could be so professional in their job. You had been on many dangerous mission and yet you manage to come back without passing out. Even someone you look at as strong will always have the tendency to pass out during a mission. It is in those moments that she can rely on you the most. She felt most confident whenever you are in the mission with her", Akihiro turned to give a good look on the man's face. Ui lifted his head and stared at the man's gentle eyes. "Because of you, she knows she's coming back home to us", the man said and made Ui's eyes warm up. 

Chapter end. 

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