Chapter 3: Glassy Sky Above

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11th Ward

Clearing is being done to make sure that Aogiri members will not continue roaming around the place. The inspectors patroled for another 24 hours. A week later, they will be dispatching inspectors to saturate the area to become livable to humans.

Truck-Command Center

"This was my former ward assignment before I went to the headquarters", Marude opened while watching the special class having their breakfast. "Must be hard to see it in rubbles", Ui commented and drank his coffee. Rikina went out of the tent carrying her bag. "I'll be leaving early, Commander", she gave a salute. "We will leave this afternoon. Where will you go?", Marude furrowed his brow. "I can't miss half of my school days. My friends will scold me and I'd be held back for one year", the lady gave a slight pout. "School? You're already a graduate of the academy", Shinohara tilted his head. "I still want to attend a general high school, go to college, and get my degree", Rikina pointed out her plan with a smile on her face. "Are you going to retire as an inspector?", Ui asked. "One day, this constant chase with the ghouls will end. I'm just preparing just in case it happens in my generation", Rikina had a generous amount of hope shown in her eyes. 

She ran fast and stole Marude's newly delivered motorcycle. "That brat!", Marude shouted but felt a ray of hope with what she had said. Once everything is over, if that is possible, what happens to him? How can he face the future without a ghoul when all he ever knew was to chase after them? 

Kiyomi High School Backyard

Rikina removed her outer clothing to show that she was wearing her uniform beneath. Someone behind gasped and it made her prepare her quinquie. "Rikina! So you've been roaming around dressed for school in your motorcycle? Are you part of any gang?", Yoriko hugged her from behind. "I might be sweaty from my ride", the whitehead chuckled. "You smell so nice, Rikina. Thank you for attending your class", Yoriko pretended not to see the logo of CCG on the motorcycle. Yoriko broke the hug and started dragging the lady to their room. 


"You see. Touka-chan had been so lonely. I wonder what happened", Yoriko said with a concerned voice. 

Kaneki Ken is a ghoul that Jason tortured. 

According to the record, he was the person last seen with Rize, the Glutton. 

"She'll be fine. Maybe, she's just experiencing some love quarrel with her lover", Rikina hummed. "By the way Rikina, are you eating well? You're growing skinny each day", the lady grabbed her wrist. "Well, I have sleepless nights so maybe I have to catch up with my rest", Rikina nodded in agreement with what she said. 


The teacher crossed his arms and wanted to burst into anger. "Imai, you attend your class whenever you want to and you have the guts to sleep in my class?", the teacher's eye twitched. "Sensei~ Can you let her off this time? She's just tired of taking care of her grandmother in the hospital", Yoriko stood and repeated an obvious lie that Rikina would always use. "And you bought that reasoning?!", the teacher went near the lady's desk and was about to flick her forehead. 

Rikina stood and grabbed her teacher's hand, throwing him on the ground and pinning him. "Sensei!!!! What are you doing?!", the white head lady was startled and looked around. "It's you we have to ask!!!", the whole class reacted. 

"What are you doing, idiot?", Touka sighed but she was curious about where the lady learned self-defense. Touka had always noticed the mystery wrapped around the white head. But then, she felt scared to unravel whatever it was that was beneath the lady she had always been amused, intrigued, and admired. 

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