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Three Months After

CCG Headquarters Corridor

There are still remnants of ghouls who refuse to become human and Takizawa is leading the search for them along with investigators who didn't retire. Rikina regained her ability to walk and decided to give the place a visit.  It became a training ground for police and soldiers who are to enter the special force. In a few years time, ghouls will no longer exist and there will be no need for investigators.

Rikina slowed down her pacing as she walked next to Shinohara who was still in crutches. "I'm so glad to be alive to hear you give another speech", the lady is all smiles. "Imai, I am just wondering. What are you doing this time? I mean, compared to all of us, you're the one who is the most positive of talking about the future", the man hoped it didn't offend the lady. Rikina hummed and shrugged. "I also don't know now", Rikina played around her tone. "It's not like I haven't planned far up to this time. I was looking forward to being a painter, musician, poet, and everything I could do in this lifetime", the lady enumerated more. "What's stopping you then? I heard that you're unemployed. I mean, whatever the government gave is more than enough to live but I can't see that image of you having to keep still", Shinohara didn't hesitate to describe the lady. 

"That's quite harsh, Shinohara-san. Well, I get that a lot. I am being called a freeloader here and there", Rikina sighed. What's holding you back? Rikina's expression softened to see a family in front of them. "Also, Suzuya told me you had been visiting Kaneki's house. You seem to be fond of their child", the man commented. They both separated ways. 

She walked into the corridor and saw a familiar figure. The lady felt awkward so she hid on the post. 

Why did I have to hide? It's not like I had a huge debt on him. 

Rikina gulped and took the courage to approach the man but fell on her butt when she saw Ui already next to her. "Did you see a ghost?", the man sighed and reached out his hand. "Don't startle me like that. I don't want to get in a coma again", Rikina pouted and was pulled by Ui. Both of them are already standing close to each other. "Urie just dropped by. He's in the training ground", the man informed. "Who said I was looking for him?", Rikina found it annoying that Ui was seemingly suggesting something. "What else could be the reason that you're here?", the man turned to the other side. "All you ever had been with for the past years are either retired or they passed away. Hirako and the rest decided to live as civilians. Suzuya just wanted to spend time with Shinohara-san picking tangerines in the countryside. The quinxie members disbanded and it is only Urie who was left", Ui continued running his mouth. 

"But you're still here", the lady gave a deep sigh. "I had to make amends for all the mistakes I had made in the past. I aided Furuta before he showed his real intention", Ui clenched his fist. "You didn't know that he was a ghoul and I heard he also promised that he would be able to recreate Hairu-san. I know that you must have wanted for her to com-", Rikina's words were interrupted when Ui cracked his neck. "No one can bring the dead back to life", he said with a pained tone. The same is true for all that they had lost throughout the years. Arima wouldn't come back even if his cells would be cloned. Kuroiwa, even being one of the strongest, couldn't escape the chains of death. Hairu is the same, she will remain dead for the next centuries and millennium but the world will still turn. It will not wait for the ones who were left to get over the pain of losing them. All that can be done is to move forward as the world rotates and continues its course in the solar system. 

"The world will still turn even if we're not ready to", Ui continued walking. For some reason Rikina could not comprehend, her feet would still follow him just like in the old days. Being in a coma for a year made her slow, and the gap between the two of them was getting wider and wider. "Wait for me, Ui-san", her eyes were suddenly filled with tears. There was frustration that she could no longer catch up. As the doctor have said, part of her agility was because of her RC cells and she will now be as how humans should move. Ui had been working all his life to be as strong as he could be to match the monsters in his team. He was a normal one but he always managed to escape death and he even is the one not in critical condition every after mission. 

"I had always dreamed of a world like this, Ui-san. I feel so fortunate to be the one who could witness such an era. I will give everything to get to where we are now. But then, when I saw everybody moving forward with their lives, I felt so-", Rikina braced her own arm. Ui stopped walking without turning back. "Touka is already married with a child and so is Yoriko. Mutsuki and Saiko have already found meaning in their lives. Suzuya had Shinohara-san to spend time with. All the ghouls are being reintegrated into the human world. I've been sleeping for a year and I just woke up with everyone already having their lives", the lady cried. "I don't want to be the only one living in the past", Rikina wiped her tears. 

"Then, what is it that you want from me?", Ui turned and saw such sorrowful look on the lady's face. It wasn't so usual to see her in such demise. "Ui-san, can you please let me just follow you like how I usually did before? Your steps are steady. Your back is so reliable", Rikina flushed realizing what she was trying to say. "Are you proposing to me right now?", Ui face-palmed and had a short laugh afterwards. "I wasn't-", Rikina's face is all flustered. The man walked closer to her and flicked her forehead. 

"Rikina, what do you think of having to share memories of our comrades together? Keeping them close to our hearts and having each other to reminisce the past with us moving forward until a time we can talk about them without ripping our heart out", Ui gently cupped her face and could feel it warmed up. The lady calmed down and held Ui's hand. She tilted her head and smiled. "You're the one who is proposing to me", she laughed. "Whatever. I'd give this point to you", the man responded with such a sweet smile. 

Just so you know, I like waking up on the right side of the bed. 

What?! Father told me to get married first before having to sleep in a man's bed. 

See. You're the one who proposed to me. 

Ahk! It was you who offered to be with me so you can sulk all you want. 

Who said I just want to sulk with you?

The two walked beside each other and continued bickering. Soon, the corridor was filled with laughter. "Rikina, you don't have to walk behind me. Whenever we're on the mission, I would keep looking back to see that you're still there", Ui held her hand. "This time around, walk beside me", he lifted her hand and kissed it. The lady flushed and nodded. She mustered all her strength and hugged the man tightly. 

"This is a training ground and we're not supposed to be showing such a display of affection", they heard a bitter tone. "Just give it to them this time", Takeomi cried and clapped at how his superiors were finding their lives. The remaining CCG remnants had been hiding on the posts so as not to disturb such a heartwarming scenario. They tore their money just to make confetti. "We are looking forward to being invited in your wedding", they all swarmed and congratulated the two. 

Chapter end. 

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