Chapter 15: Question of Existence

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The next days

CCG Hospital Corridor

Urie went to have himself checked and to have permission to use his kagune in battle. He met Rikina along the way carrying three bouquets. "You're carrying quite a lot, Special Class Imai-san", the man offered to carry the others. "Thank you, Urie-kun. You can call me just by my name. We're like friends already. I get to visit your house and you get to visit mine", the lady smiled and slowed down her pace of walking. 

"Who are you visiting, Imai-san?", the man still found it proper to give a level of politeness since the lady was one year older. "Suzuya's former squad leader, Shinohara-san, an investigator who got wounded during our mission in the 24th ward, and Shirazu's sister", the lady enumerated. The last one made Urie's eyes widen. Urie looked at the yellow roses and back to Rikina. "My apologies if this sounds rude. You have this time to take a rest. Why are you here giving these flowers?", Urie knew that the lady was also assigned for the next mission to capture the ghouls under the organization named Rose. 

"Do you know what these flowers mean?", Rikina turned to Urie's direction who was just a few inches away from her. "I don't really read about flowers", Urie looked at the floor. "My friend loves flowers and her grandparents are florists so I heard a lot. Yellow roses mean you're wishing someone to get well soon", the lady explained. "I'd rather be giving yellow roses to those who are still alive rather than leaving white lilies on their grave", they finally arrived at Shinohara's hospital room. 

The lady stood at the door and watched Suzuya tell stories to the man in comatose. "Two years ago, I arrived in the midst of the special class investigators assigned to defeat the Owl. The first one was already defeated but another one appeared. I saw Shinohara-san shielding Suzuya with his back already exposed and his ribs even taken out", Rikina said in detail. "I wanted them to get well soon for those who wait are in the same pain as those who make them wait", the white head entered leaving Urie behind. 

Suzuya jumped on Rikina and gave a tight hug. The two of them continued giving stories to an unconscious Shinohara. 

Urie kept his eyes glued on Rikina. Unlike him, she's pure and has a good soul. All he ever thought of was his own. When he convinced Shirazu to catch Torso, he wanted to get the credit. He didn't think of the danger that would be imposed on the two of them. If Shirazu gets killed in the battlefield, who will pay for her sister's hospitalization? There was a certain slap of guilt that he felt but it didn't come like a hurricane. Rikina didn't lecture on him but he felt ashamed of his thoughts and actions. 

He saw Shirazu and followed him. The man peeked and saw his squad captain's sister in a coma state with a huge RC cell ingrown in the lady's face. As soon as Shirazu left, Urie entered and placed the yellow roses on the vase. "Get well soon", he whispered in the air. When he was helpless back in the auction house, Mutsuki shielded him and even recognized the feeling of being alone even being surrounded. He knew that it was him who set himself apart. He was insecure and wanted to get above everyone else. He covered his face and braced himself. All he ever did was compete with Takeomi and wish for his demise. 

He went out and saw the white-haired giving a gentle smile. "Care to have a quick sparing?", she invited. 


Hairu was made to escort Kijima and Furuta to trap the kidnappers who they suspect as working under Rose Organization. Furuta acted as bait and the three Rose ghouls took it. Hairu was able to engage with them and they were able to catch one of the ghouls to interrogate. They were able to escape due to some distractions. The investigators watching felt awed by the display of strength and agility from the pink-haired lady. Ui also went down the underground to check if his partner followed the instructions. She has the habit of acting on her own as well and acts impulsively. 

"Don't you trust me? I did the job well", she gave a peace sign. "They were able to escape", Ui said with his poker face. The man turned to the captured ghoul and mentioned that he would be staying at the CCG headquarters for interrogation. "I want to do the interrogation", Kijima raised his hand. As much as Ui doesn't agree to it, Furuta and Kijima are also investigators who were assigned to assist. "I will be waiting for a report", Ui nodded. The other investigators left but Ui is still looking around to see if there will be any hints of who they are dealing with. 

"I was looking at your lists of investigators who will be assigned in the next operation. Why isn't she in the front line?", Hairu hummed. Ui didn't give any answer and just kept walking around. "Is it Arima-san's order?", the pink-haired stuck close to the man. "Do you have favoritism, Ui?", the lady poked the man's cheek. "I am. She's not one of my favorites that's why I'm leaving her out of the front line", Ui answered with irritation. "You're different when it comes to her. Since when have you become a softie?", the lady asked playfully. 

Ui knelt and picked a red rose that fell from the ghouls a while ago. "It's not like playing favorites. I just want to bet the future to someone who still has a ray of hope", the man had a small smile on his face. 

The next day,

CCG Headquarters- Meeting room

Kijima showed a video of him torturing the captured ghoul. Rikina stood as well as Haise. They felt injustice to what was done. "You feel pity for those who kill our own as food. What difference is it from us just cutting their limbs which can regrow?", the investigators gave an eerie smile. Haise gulped and sat down. "I will take custody of the ghoul that you captured", Rikina said with a serious tone. "Oh please, there are still plenty of punishments that the ghoul is to receive for not telling us about its master", Kijima enumerated what he is still to do. Saiko felt like throwing up and held at Haise's sleeves. 

Rikina activated her quinquie attached to her back and broke the table in the middle. The entire room was silenced. "I saw a mosquito flying. I just don't want any of us getting ill before an important mission", the lady said staring at the investigator who is ranked lower than her. 

Investigation Room

Rikina entered and saw blood splattered all around the place. "He's dead, Special Class Imai-san", Furuta reported. The lady walked closer and saw the ghoul holding onto a rose. "You must have loved your master this much that you didn't open your mouth", the lady saw a smile on the ghoul's face. "Do you feel bad for ghouls, Imai-san?", Furuta asked. 

"I do and the same is with humans", she answered without second thoughts. "Don't you think that your pity towards ghouls will be seen as insubordination by the CCG?", Furuta tilted his head. "Furuta-san. If you were born as someone who lacks protein it happened that you're a vegan as well. Will it be your fault that you would have to intake meat because it is what'll keep you alive even if it goes against your will?", Rikina has a resting smile on her face. 

"Are you saying that we can allow the ghouls to eat us because they were born that way?", the man hummed. "That's the paradox that I will always have to accept. I kill ghouls to protect my fellow humans. But then, I also want them to find salvation. One day, somehow, I hope to find a way to co-exist with them", Rikina said with such gentle voice. Furuta grabbed on her neck and strangled her. "Unforgivable. What you are saying is unforgivable!!!", he lost it. Rikina was caught off guard by the amount of strength that he had. 

Fortunately, Akira and Haise entered and calmed the man. 

Chapter end. 

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