Chapter 19: Half-Baked Decisions

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CCG Hospital Room

"I told them to keep quiet about the hole in your chest", Ui opened the curtain as he saw Rikina waking up. The lady remembered the look on her underclassmen's faces. She felt comforted that someone would look at her with such concern. Rikina sat and held on her eye patch. "Ui-san", she turned in his direction feeling all the things that happened the other day coming back to her. "The One-Eyed King is now dead and another one came to life", she said and saw a flower on the vase. She gave a small smile and looked at Ui. "I didn't know you started reading about flowers as well", Rikina went out of bed and saw the man's back. Even when she was younger, his back looked so dependable. "Arima-san told me that if something happens to him, he wanted you to know how much proud and comforted he felt to see you grow as a strong and responsible investigator", the man said with a gentle tone. 

She burrowed her head on Ui's back. The man sighed and turned to give her a hug. Their mentor died and compared to everyone else in the organization, she and Juzou are the next in line. "Ui-san, Arima-san had always felt bad about taking the ghoul's lives. He had always felt so sorry for himself stuck with the cycle of just killing. When I saw him smiling, I felt relieved that he found salvation", the lady raised her head and saw the look in Ui's eyes.

I am happy that I am able to leave something.

She already knew the answer to what she was to ask next. "This is what I grew up doing, Imai. My parents are investigators and the path had already been paved for me. There's no other thing I think I can do", Ui gently pushed Rikina away. "So, I feel envious to see you have other options other than being an investigator. At first, I was furious that someone who is given much freedom chose to be chained to this painful path. But then, I was glad you're not on the other side. That's the narrative I want to believe in", Ui patted the lady's head. "You're free to choose whatever you are to do next", the man passed through her and left the room.

Rikina looked at the bellflower and wiped her tears.

Those who grieve are loved.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the fox mask on the table.

Hospital Park

Rikina walks pushing her own IV. "Special Class Imai", someone called on her. "Imai, that's fine", she gave a small wave. "What are you doing outside? With the injuries you have, you shouldn't be moving too much", Urie tried to assist her but backed off remembering the power gap between them.

"Urie, I wasn't able to attend Shirazu's funeral. I hope her sister wakes up as soon as possible", the lady continued walking. The man swallowed his pride and walked closer to Rikina. "Allow me to push the IV stand for you", Urie gulped. Rikina looked at the investigator she was training two years ago. They've been chosen because of their high tolerance of the RC cells. "You've grown strong, Urie", the lady commented making Urie have a tint of red on his ears. "I have to", he answered.

They reached the pond area and they sat on the bench. "Three years ago, I made friends with a ghoul. I was already a special class investigator back then but I broke the rules and kept my mouth shut", Rikina started recalling memories of the past. "There must be a reason why you didn't report that friend of yours", Urie sat straight showing how interested he was to listen more. "At that time, I knew that she wasn't the same ghoul I encountered. At first, she was a storm but she somehow became a serene peaceful sea in the morning", the lady kept her eyes on the pond. "I feel like the tides had turned. There's a storm inside of me that keeps raging, Urie. I feel scared that if I don't keep it all together, I would just-", Rikina felt like throwing up but Urie cupped her face.

"Sorry. I know I shouldn't do this as your underling. Imai-san, it's fine if you can't keep it all together. Just like how you always reached out your hands to us, I will grab your arm and help you stand...if needed", Urie felt embarrassed saying the last statement. "Urie. Thank you", she teared up as the man slowly removed her right eye patch. "I see", the man was surprised but didn't show it. Rikina's eyes were back to being blue. "They're really pretty", Urie said without hesitation. 

The next days, 

CCG Isolation Room

Rikina entered the room and saw Yoriko sitting on the bed. "I will prove your innocence", the white-haired said right away seeing how pale her friend became. "Aren't you going to greet me first?", Yoriko tried to give a smile. Rikina furrowed her brow and hugged her friend. "Sorry, Yoriko. I think this is also my fault. I knew about Touka but I didn't interfere", the investigator hugged her tighter. "I also knew about you even when we were in high school", Yoriko chuckled. Rikina pulled out from the hug and looked at Yoriko's smiling face. 

"This is just a quick break from my wedding preparation. I know that Takeomi loves me and that we will still push through being together", Yoriko pressed her lips together. "Keep on believing and trusting Takeomi-kun. You're right, he loves you and he is also helping in proving that you are innocent", Rikina cupped the lady's face. 

"Rikina, what's that sadness in your eyes? Did something happen? Your eyes, did you hurt them again", Yoriko asked with concern. "A lot", the white-haired's mouth twitched, and closed her eyes. Yoriko found it proper to stay quiet this time and just caressed the lady's hair. "Your roots are already showing. You do have pitch-black hair", she commented. 


Ui was about to puff smoke but put it back in the box. 

You know that smoking will kill you. It might not be ghouls that will mess up your insides, it's the nicotine. 

He smiled recalling how a young teenager lectured him even if he was her superior. Urie also went out to breathe some air. The two saw each other. Urie bowed and was about to leave. "Stay. There are things I have to discuss with you", the special class investigator commanded. With respect to his superior, Urie stayed and listened to what the man had to say. 

"You're chummy with Imai", Ui went straight to the topic. "She was our trainer and his father is involved with the quinxie project", Urie felt the need to be discreet on the topic, or else his head would come rolling on the floor. "I will stay as an investigator of the CCG. This is the life I decided to pursue. Spending too much time here, I just find it difficult to believe otherwise that I had been wrong all this time", the man looked at the sky. "As for ghouls, I will always see them as monsters, enemies, and an object of death. Ever since I was a child, I've already seen piles of investigators dying year after year", Ui continued. 

"Investigator Kuki, whatever happens. I wish to entrust Imai's life to someone. Anyone will do. Even if... even if they're ghouls or whatnot. From all the people, I just don't want her to be the one to die", Ui's voice cracked. Urie understood clearly what he was trying to say. "Your words are valid, Special Class Koori-san", Urie bowed low. 

Chapter end. 

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