Chapter 10: Facilities of the Mind

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24th Ward

"That's your 30th kill today", Mougan counted and commended Juzou for being skilled in using his weapon. The once white-haired lad allowed his roots to grow revealing his original black hair. "Did you know why Imai dyed her hair?", Aura asked. She was once invited to be a lecturer in the academy during Rikina's crash course training. Juzou turned to her direction upon the mention of the lady's name. "She looked up to Arima and also a student from her class. That's you, Juzou Suzuya. She had a hunch that maybe white-haired individuals have a higher tendency to have extra-ordinary skill", Aura revealed. "How adorable of the special class investigator", Naoto Hayashimura gave a quick laugh.

CCG Truck

"What are you reading?", Ui asked while watching the white haired scroll on her tablet. "World news", Rikina answered. "And so, what news are you able to read?", the man crossed his arms. "There are countries that are already being saturated with ghouls. I had always been fascinated with the origin of ghouls", the lady placed her tablet outside down and looked at her senior. "They came from Asia so the rest of the world blames it on us", Ui sighed. "I wonder what they had in mind. Did they want to become more than humans? Were they trying to become like gods? What is it that they were so afraid of? Death? Even ghouls die with old age", Rikina leaned on the truck's wall.

"When they realize the beauty of becoming humans again, that would be quite revolutionizing to their descendants", she smiled and closed her eyes. "You've been thinking too much. You'll fry your brain", Ui remembered Hairu's bubbly atmosphere whenever she was with the young investigator. "I receive a message from Mado. We are needed. SS ghoul is running havoc. This is the ghoul you had under your supervision. If he goes wild, you will have to kill him with your own hands", he read his phone. He wondered why there was no response. Rikina fell in front and Ui had to catch her before she fell. "I told you. If you think too much, you'll fry your brain", Ui smiled and looked at the lady resting in his arms.

"Seems that investigator Sasaki is running berserk. We're being called just in case", a pink-haired lady peeked from the passenger seat and saw Ui with Rikina leaning on his shoulder.

The next day

Quinxie's Residence

Rikina just sat on the couch of the meeting room. She heard Haise slap Urie but didn't turn to see the man disciple his men. She just drank her hot chocolate prepared by Mutsuki. "You are being relieved of the position of being the captain. Shirazu will take the position", Haise said with a stern voice.

You are just a ghoul.

Haise's eyes widened. Shirazu kicked Urie's stomach. "Haise's a better ghoul than you are, sacrificing your comrade for the success of the mission", Shirazu said with an angered tone. Rikina knew that capturing an SS-rate ghoul, Orochi, would be a difficult task for them. It happened that the ghoul was loitering around the area and took an interest in the new investigators.

"If you don't follow my orders, I am going to eat you. I'm a ghoul after all", Haise started walking out of the room. Rikina also stood and offered a hand to Urie. The man looked away but Rikina pulled him up. "Listen to your superiors", she reminded with a smile. "Mutsuki, I love the hot choco. I'll visit again to have them", the lady followed after Haise.

Arima's Residence CCG HQ

The headquarters houses the special class investigators for emergency missions. Kuroiwa has a family so he stays out. Only Juzuou, Arima, and Ui are within the premises of the headquarters. Haise entered to report the changes in the Quinxies as well as his decision to make Shirazu the captain of the special squad.

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