Chapter 4: Prepare for the Battle

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6 months after


"And you passed all of the tests", Yoriko raised all the practice tests and Rikina clapped. "Congratulations! Shall we go and have a cup of coffee to celebrate!", the whitehead grabbed the two to stand. "We still haven't checked yours", Yoriko said with a strict voice. "Eh~ Let's just go and grab something to eat. I'm starving", the lady whined. "We have to check it", the short-haired lady dragged the lady down.

"Sister", they heard a voice. "Oh~ Hinami-chan!!!", Rikina was about to jump and hug the youngster but she stopped when the girl said something. "Brother is-", those words are enough to make Touka understand. She ran as fast as she could leaving her things.

Hinami stands in front of the two ladies. Rikina walked to her and patted the youngster's head. "Thank you, Hinami-chan. You looked tired and pained. Did you leave the chance to see him just to run to Touka?", the white-haired lady knelt to match Hinami's height and hugged her. "You smell nice, Imai-san", the youngster smelled an appetizing scent from her but more of it was the scent of kindness and gentleness. It was something similar to that of Kaneki.


"I welcome myself here!", Rikina entered holding Hinami's hand. "Thank you for bringing her home", Irimi walked towards her and gave a short bow of the head. "My pleasure. Hinami-chan is very lovely so I can't help but want to kidnap her. Though, I know Touka will shred me into pieces if Hinami-chan does not get home tonight", the white head peeked at Irimi's shoulder and saw Touka washing the dishes.

The dark blue-haired lady finally noticed Hinami. "Sorry for leaving you there", she said with a worried look in her eyes. She glared at Rikina. "With this crazy airhead", Touka pulled the youngster and braced her tightly. "Here's a congratulatory gift from me and Yoriko", the lady said with a wide smile. "What kind of prank is this aga-", Touka stopped as she peeks on the bag. "Hinami-chan told us that you're leaving tonight so we grabbed her in Yoriko's house to make that. You're so heartless for not telling us that you're going to have a long vacation at your uncle's place. Yoriko and I will miss teasing you together", Rikina pulled Touka and also Hinami for a hug. "Take care, the two of you", she said before releasing them.


Touka slapped the back of Rikina's head since she was in front of her. "You're quite preoccupied. Did you not pass the practice tests?", the lady asked. "I aced it, I'm a genius after all", Rikina gave a soft chuckle. "Are you that sad that I'm going to leave just for a month?", Touka punched her side. "What a rough way of showing how you love me", the white-haired continued laughing. She turned to face and gave a long stare. "Are you thinking of how you're going to tease me?", Touka can't seem to read the lady this time. It wasn't her usual demeanor. "There you go again, being uncomfortable with the unusual", Rikina smiled.

"Wherever you will be going, don't forget to laugh, cry, whine, complain, smile, hope and dream. Just like when you prepared for the battle of taking the college exam, do your best, Touka. That way, when we meet, you can hold your head high and look me in the eyes", the lady gave a thumbs up. "Why are you getting sentimental all of a sudden?", Touka clicked her tongue. They're already at her unit.

"I will be missing my favorite dear Touka. The next time we see each other, keep your head up, okay?", Rikina waved goodbye.

Anteiku- Touka's Apartment Room

Touka sat on the floor and opened the paper bag. Hinami was smiling ear to ear as she watched the lady. The dark blue-haired lady covered her face and cried.

Dear Touka,

Here's some tiramisu, we put a lot of coffee seeing how much you enjoyed it. Don't worry, we placed a small amount of cream.

All the best!

-Rikina and Yoriko-

The next day,

1st Ward-CCG Headquarters

Rikina entered and saw the long faces of the inspectors holding a piece of paper. She can hear the loud silence. "Imai-san", Amon saw her in the corridor and gave a greeting. "Amon-san, I heard you remodeled your quinquie. I am glad that Akira-san permitted his father's quinque to be merged with yours", the lady walked beside the inspector. "That's quite a thick one", Amon was referring to Rikina's will. "Well, I need to write a letter to a lot of people. I wasn't able to sleep a wink last night", she said with a resting smile.

"Who did you write the letters to?", the inspector asked. "Friends and mostly my parents", she answered and looked at Amon's letter. "Sorry, Imai-san. I don't have a lot of things to write", the man noticed. "The thickness or the amount of words you put in the letter doesn't really matter, Amon-san. Did you know, Arima-san would always submit a blank one? It's not that he doesn't care about it or is confident to come back after every battle. He just can't think of any. But then, he would still spread it open and think. Your thoughts when writing your will is what matters, I think", Rikina gave a short laugh.

Kuroiwa's Office

"Iwao-san, I'm here to get the papers", Rikina showed herself and walked towards Iwao's table. "Imai, you will be on the frontline in this mission. You'd be commencing the attack", Iwao informed. "Thank you for reminding me, Iwao-san", the lady bowed. "That's not a reminder. How do you feel about it?", the man asked. Rikina raised her head to see a concerned look from her senior. "This will be my last time to lie to my parents. So, I hope that bargain is enough for me to come back and apologize for deceiving them all this time", she gave a smile.

Iwao felt the tension in the room and stood. "I will be here with you", he said with a stern voice. With those words, the room was able to be filled with a ray of hope. They heard a knock on the door. Rikina stood straight and gave a salute. "I'd be clearing the way for you", the lady said then walked out of the office.

Training Ground

Juzou practiced swinging his scythe. He was thrilled at how deadly his weapon looked. He visualized a ghoul in front of him and gave a big swing. He was startled as it was deflected and was stopped mid-air. "Suzuya, it's time to go", Rikina informed. "Did you just use your quinquie? I wasn't able to have a good look at it", the inspector hummed and tilted his head. "We'll be on the battlefield soon. You'd be able to fight alongside me", the lady gently grabbed his hand and started walking with him toward the exit.

"Suzuya, do you know who we are pursuing?", Rikina asked while looking ahead. "Against some old ghoul they couldn't capture in the past", Juzou answered. "He's strong, Suzuya. He caused the death of many high-ranking inspectors and even provided permanent scars to others", Rikina's voice softened. "Are you scared, Kina?", the lad felt her hand shaking. "I am", she nodded. "Why? You're a special class, right? You're strong and you'll do just alright", Juzou commented. "Thank you, Suzuya. I know you are also strong but keep your head straight. I'll be on the opposite side of the center battlefield but I will do what I can to give aid to the main team", the lady said as if trying to assure Juzou

Chapter end. 

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