Chapter 13: And the Rain Fell

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CCG Hospital


"Look at you. Just two broken ribs and you're lying on your bed", Ui poked her cheeks. "My body isn't that tough as yours", Rikina looked at the ceiling. "What is it that you saw?", the man flicked on her forehead. She just remained quiet and the door opened.

"Kina-sama!", Saiko jumped on her bed and hugged her. "Stupid! She broke her ribs", Urie pulled her back. "Here's some flowers", Haise fixed it on the vase. "Kina-chan!", Suzuya brought with him snacks. His squad members also carried the others with them. "Imai-san", Takeomi peeked but Hirako dragged him to enter. "Who gave these wounds? Is it the rabbit? Takizawa?", Hirako asked with a serious tone.

I can't tell him that I had an encounter with the one-eyed ghoul. It is just a hunch but I think it is also the Owl.

"You're also here, investigator Koori", Hirako gave a greeting. They ate inside the hospital room as if it was just another picnic. The younger investigator sang and it attracted the attention of the nurses. They were told to leave so that the patients would have a peaceful rest. "We'll drop by again, Kina-sama", Saiko gave a big wave. The rest also wished for her fast recovery and left the room. Ui wore his coat and closed the curtain.

"Children. Lots of them. Some were already just lying on the ground with just a part of them existing. I can't imagine their parents receiving just a limb or even any body parts", Rikina sat and burrowed her face in her hands. "I wanted to kill her badly, the one-eyed ghoul, the owl. I recognize her voice. I had an encounter with it two years ago", the lady started to sob. Ui grabbed her hand with a furious look on his face. "You know the protocol. You shouldn't engage in battle alone with a high-ranking ghoul", he tightened his grip on the lady. "I know but when I saw those children fearing for their lives, I just wanted things to end and I wonder if the death of the One-Eyed Ghoul will cease everything else", Rikina wiped her tears.

The door slipped open and it was Arima. "Leave us", he gave a polite bow of the head to Ui.


Ui leaned on the wall and sighed. "It's not like you to lose your cool", Hairu Ihei, a beautiful pink-haired investigator waved her hands. "You're just the same, people who jump impulsively to anything", Ui clicked his tongue and led his partner to the next mission.

The Next Days,

Re: Cafe

"You haven't visited for quite some time", Touka served a cup of tea and cake. "Yeah~ I got scolded by my superiors so I was suspended", Rikina chuckled but still looked at the table. "Why did you get a scolding?", the dark blue-haired lady sat in front of her and crossed her arms. The investigator slowly looked up and saw the same eyes that Ayato had. If there had been no interference at that time, she could have taken down one of the higher-ups of Aogiri tree. Her judgment was clouded at that time, she just wanted to see if her underclassmen were still alive. It was one of the days that she felt too anxious about going back to the headquarters with only a few of them alive.

"Touka, can you give me a slap?", Rikina asked and faked her smile. Touka did as she asked for and didn't hold back. The lady felt like her face was somehow dislocated. "That was so strong", the white-haired whined and massaged her face. "Serves you right. You're still an airhead after all", Touka sighed and stuffed the cake in Rikina's mouth. "I was watching the news. My brother was there in the raid but there was no record of him being taken down or taken by the CCG. It's just that Hinami was captured", the ghoul clenched her fist and her eyes turned were activated. "Sasaki-san had her under his name and the CCG cannot do anything without his permission unless granted by the higher-ups. That's why, let's just trust them", Rikina assured.

"As much as I want to trust your words, ghouls are not tolerated in this society we live in. You're just a person with a loose screw that's why you're here in front of me now", Touka pressed her lips together. "You're right. I might have screwed loosened", she smiled.


Yoriko held Takeomi's hand and tightened it. "I knew that Kina was also an investigator. I hid it from her because she seemed pained to tell me about it", the lady revealed. "Then, when do you plan on telling her?", the man asked and they continued walking. They ended up in the middle of the wisteria tree. "It's beautiful", Yoriko had Touka's face flash on her at the sight of the lavender flower. She suddenly has tears falling on her cheeks.

Floods of realization rushed into her. Touka would always use the toilet after she fed her with her cooked food. The lady would always have a smile saying that it tasted the best. "Are you alright? Are you hurting somewhere?", Takeomi asked worriedly. "Pitiful. They're both pitiful", Yoriko braced herself. Even without knowing what was happening, the man just held her hand. "I am here, Yoriko", the man said with a gentle tone making Yoriko cry more.

Imai's Residence


Rikina entered and saw the four quinxie being checked. They were all injured during the battle. "Thank you for extending your time for us", Yoshitoki gave a slight bow to Akihiro. "I'm just doing my duty as a concerned citizen. They're just kids who you plunged into battle", the man turned to look at Saiko who looked younger than her age.

"I'm home", Rikina made her presence known. The four gave their salute. "Director. My suspension is already over. I have already thought of my actions. I apologize for acting on my own", the lady gave a very low bow. Akihiro pulled her up and stared at Yoshitoki. "Raise your head, Imai. You will be assigned as the squad leader for the next mission. Keep your senses sharp", the director patted her shoulder. "Thank you", the lady looked at Yoshitoki's lonely eyes.

Akihiro's Study Room

"Your mother prepared your favorite food. Stay for dinner", Akihiro said while going over his documents. "Father. Sorry for worrying you. I know you gave me the freedom to choose my path but my decisions will still affect those around me", the lady sat on the couch. "Do you want to resign?", the man said and made the lady feel burdened on her chest.

"Urie, Shirazu, Tohru, and Saiko. These new buds, I want to protect them. But, I don't know from what", Rikina gave a nervous laugh. "You cannot save everyone and you cannot fight for everyone", the man placed the documents down and looked at her daughter's eyes. "Fight for their dreams, Rikina", his words gave a smile on the lady's face.

"Father. Thank you for fighting for me", the lady bowed and left the room.

Karin saw her daughter leaving her father's study room with a wide smile. She entered and saw Akihiro looking at a photograph. She went to hug the man's head. "What's on your mind, Aki?", Karin asked with her sweet voice. "If not for countless lives, I wouldn't be able to spend my time with her", Akihiro had tears falling in his eyes. "Does it pain you every time your brother visits us?", Karin was referring to Yoshitoki. "You are already free but you are still shackled with your guilt and regrets", the woman caressed Akihiro's head.


The investigators were promoted in rank as they accomplished taking down an auction house that had been tainting the city's security for so long. Kuroiwa and Rikina were the ones present to pin the medals on the investigators. They stood on the stage.

"The reason why I am here is because I was suspended. It will be lifted soon", the lady seemed to read Kuroiwa's confused face. "Just take this as a chance to have a quick break", the old man gave a slight bow of his head which the youngster also did. "As for me, I can only do what I can now", the man held on his left shoulder that was amputated during the battle with the Owl. "I heard you tried to go against an unidentified ghoul. Two of your ribs broke. Who is it?", the man asked with a serious tone.

"A one-eyed ghoul. If it is not Haise Sasaki, I cannot think of anyone else other than the Owl", Rikina looked forward and saw the investigators. "None of them are irreplaceable and so are you", Kuroiwa said with his usual stern voice.

Chapter end.

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