Chapter 14: Root Of It All

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Quinxie's Residence

Haise already cooked everything. The group felt overwhelmed with the amount of food on the table. "They all look delicious", Saiko drooled. "We are still waiting for special guests. I think they're almost here", Haise heard the doorbell. Three high-ranking officials are at the door. Saiko and Shirazu who raced to open the door were both astonished. "Welcome", Haise waved his hand.


Haise started serving food for the group. "Sasaki-san is like a mama", Rikina commented. Akira just gave a short chuckle. After some time, they asked Arima about certain rumors such as killing a ghoul with an umbrella. "There were no available weapons that time", the man explained. "That's crazy!", Shirazu and Saiko reacted to all the stories.

"I also want to know about Special Class Imai-san. She wasn't a student in the academy and she started earlier than the rest of us", Urie asked with a straight face. "She got a cheat code in life", Akira smiled. The young special class investigator looked at Arima who nodded. It was as if she was looking for permission to tell the tale.

"Well, I attended a normal high school. My father brought me to the academy a few times and I had an interest in joining the CCG. I secretly trained with Arima-san in junior high school. I also forged my parent's signature", Rikina looked at Urie who looked away. "What is it that made you feel interested in being an investigator?", Mutsuki gulped feeling intimidated by the presence of the three. "I remember telling a comrade before. I saw investigators writing their wills. I suddenly just wanted them to return home and tell whatever they had written to those that they had written them. May it be a confession, apology, proposal, or even appreciation. I want them to deliver the message in person. So, I just want to bring my comrades back home, whole or if not, alive", Rikina smiled.

Urie focused his stares on the lady and was captivated by her genuine smile. During the pain and constant battle, she can give such a beautiful smile. "Then, she was able to wield a rebellious quinquie. She's also skilled in the battlefield", Arima described making her flush. "Hearing it from a great investigator like you makes me feel flattered", the white-haired lady clung to Arima's arm. The rest were surprised that the CCG's greatest investigator would allow such a casual act. "I wasn't flattering you. It's the truth", he patted the lady's head. Rikina just leaned on his arm.

Haise watched Rikina enjoy being casual with Arima as well as the rest of the investigators. At the end of the day, she's just a young lady who got her teenage years robbed with the fact that she needed to take the lives of ghouls to protect those that she loves. They talked for more. They laughed and reminisced about their training days.


Urie went outside to get some fresh air. He couldn't deny that it was a fun night. But then, he couldn't swallow the fact that he's one of the weakest and that he cannot still measure up to his expectations of himself. He cannot kill a ghoul with an umbrella nor with just a barehand. "That was a huge meal!!!", Rikina shouted on the balcony holding a glass of wine.

"Sorry. I don't really fit well inside", Urie knew that she might drag him back. "Urie. Our job is really difficult. We consider going home as another miracle. Then, here comes these moments of beauty. There's no crime in basking in this warmth. When we get lucky, we'll get to bask in the same warmth in the future to come. Laugh, get angry, smile, complain, be thankful, whine. It's all part of living", the lady grabbed him and placed her arms on her. "I'm so proud of Urie-kun being promoted. More of it, I am proud that you're getting closer to your team", Rikina raised her glass for a toast.

"Get stronger, Urie. That way, Sasaki-san doesn't have to lose more. Even I will also be sad if any of you-", the lady started crying. "You're drunk, Imai-san", Urie gave a short laugh. The lady suddenly shut off and just leaned on Urie's chest. The man sat on the balcony and allowed his superior to use his lap as a pillow. He removed his polo and covered the lady.

After some time, Shirazu went out. "Tank tops. Aren't you cold?!", he was about to say more but saw Urie signaling him to keep quiet. The team leader felt shivers in his spine to see his team member with a superior. He just gulped and ran back inside the house.

The Next Day, 

Re: Cafe

The rain didn't stop so Haise decided to keep shelter in a cafe he was fond of. He wondered why a book and a mask would be delivered at his residence. He was planning to visit the address that was placed on the package. The waitress slid the coffee which broke the man's preoccupations. "Thank you", Haise smiled and received the same from the lady. He stayed a little more to read the book that was sent which felt familiar to him. Yomo, Nishiki, Uta, and Touka just remained in silence with the raindrops being heard inside. He left the cafe. 

 "Touka, coffee", Nishiki said in a bored tone. "Make your own, stupid Nishiki", the lady said with annoyance. "What are the clowns thinking? What do they want from Ken?", Yomo asked while preparing some drinks. "Are you just going to wait or-", Uta was interrupted upon Touka's answer. "I will continue on the path I decided", her answer also put a smile on Uta's face. "As for me, he is still a special client", the man appreciated their coffee and left the cafe. 

The door opened once more. "Touka! You promised me that we're going out today. I don't care if it's in the grocery", Rikina placed a paper bag on the counter. 

Mall Grocery 

"Been a while since I roamed around the grocery", Rikina said with a wide grin. She's wearing a white shirt topped with jeans and boots. "You're too careless. What happens if there is a ghoul attack nearby", Touka pushed the cart. The lady bent down and turned to instruct the dark-haired lady to check on her back. "My quinquie just latched itself on my back for some reason. My father checked on it and said that it was not threatening. I'm not losing blood as well so I don't think I'm being eaten alive", Rikina informed. Since it is Touka's first time to see the quinquie, her eyes widen. "What a comedic life we have", she commented and walked past the whitehead. Touka recognized it perfectly. It was her father's kagune, the ghoul that Arima killed. 

"Say, I am going to have two days off. Can I just have a sleepover at your place?", Rikina suggested. "Are you trying to get me killed?", Touka sighed and continued putting ingredients on the cart. "You see, Yoriko and Takeomi-kun started to talk about serious matters like how many kids they would like to have. I feel a little embarrassed getting to hear them plan about these matters", the lady covered her face and acted as if she was shy. "Then, how about you? Any investigators you're getting chummy with?", Touka flicked her forehead. "Me?", Rikina tilted her head and removed her hands out of her face. 

"You ditched the emergency meeting just for me to find you here?", the white-haired heard a familiar voice coming from behind. "How did you know that it was me?", Rikina gulped and felt the man pull her pony-tailed hair. "It was an optional meeting. I was going to ask Suzuya about it later", the lady turned to see an irritated Ui with Harui on his side. "I tagged along since he said he was going to buy ingredients for dinner. The squad is spending time in his place", Harui waved her hand. "Ui, look. We can also put gummy bears on the pasta", the investigator's partner raised a pack of candies. He dragged him away. "Make sure to have a good rest before the next operation", the man continued pulling Harui even if people were looking. Rikina's eyes are also glued to them. Harui and Ui had been partners since the man was promoted to special class and that was 5 years ago. Even Shinohara and Kuroiwa had each other's back to care for during battle. It was a late realization of why she didn't have any. 

"I see", Touka nodded and hummed in a teasing way. "What are you thinking?", Rikina panicked and explained that she was just in deep thought. "You don't have to be defensive. You're just embarrassing yourself", the dark-haired lady gave a short laugh. 

Chapter end.

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