Chapter 17: Instincts

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She saw Ui and the rest of the investigators pinning down the Owl. Ui was able to give a damaging slash. "Commander, the mission is already considered accomplished. We have destroyed their headquarters and we know who is running the organization", Rikina grabbed the commander's shoulder. "I wanted to kill it badly. She is already in front of us", the man received news that Hairu was already dead. "Why don't you?", Eto taunted them even if she was already out of steam. "There are still many things we have to know about them so that we can look for solutions. Not killing her is also one way to fight", the investigator tried to convince. Ui clenched his fist and punched the wall. 

"Kill! Steal! Take this life of mine! It's your instinct and our instinct to kill each other. Let yourselves go", Eto laughed. "I don't think I want to live a life like that. Our ancestors spent time evolving from being uncivilized to being people who would use logic to live. I won't allow myself to regress back", Rikina saw the ghoul preparing her kagune. She used her chains to separate the part of the building from the owl. The ghoul fell and had her eyes locked on the white-haired lady. 

"Also, you were already defeated by Sasaki-san. If you appear again, he will do the same. You're already done for, one-eyed ghoul. You're not the One-Eyed King. There is no use in killing you", Rikina stood her ground "You're one difficult child. You're so much conflicted", Eto laughed. "If you still have your pride, surrender in a way you think can benefit humanity", she said then disappeared. 

"Are we going to let her go?", the investigators asked. "There are still investigators breathing inside the building. Prioritize their safety", Ui commanded. 


Rikina walked around and looked at the corpses of her comrades. One of them is Shirazu, an investigator that she trained directly. Haise stayed for a while and held on his hand. "I will promise that your sister will remain sustained", he said under her breath. 

"Special Class Imai-san, your left eye is bleeding", Urie walked towards her and offered a handkerchief. "I must have hurt it back during the battle", the lady covered her eyes with the handkerchief. "Thank you for protecting us from the ghouls. We were all devasted by Shirazu's death and we weren't able to be wary of our surroundings", the investigator bowed very low. Rikina's eyes softened and caressed Urie's head. "Thank you for being alive", she gave a soft whispered making Urie's eyes warm up. 

The next days,

Re: Cafe

"I heard the news. They're going to execute Hinami", Touka slammed on the table. "Because Eto decided to reveal herself to the public, CCG decided to have ss-rated ghouls be executed in order to save their faces", Rikina leaned on the couch. Touka's eyes turned into ghoul's and pinned her on the couch. "You won't stop me, right?", she furrowed her brow as she saw Rikina's eyepatch. It reminded her of Kaneki. 

"Touka, I am a CCG investigator and my work is to hunt and kill ghouls. I have my own principles. I know Hinami didn't kill anyone to eat them. She's innocent. But then, she also has to rip the consequences of being impulsive with her decision", Rikina gently pushed Touka and stood. "Are you saying you will let her die?", the dark blue-haired lady's heart sank. "Being in prison is already the consequence, dying is too much", Rikina looked at Yomo already staring at her. "Do you still have that mask? I think I also need one", Rikina chuckled. 

Nishiki was listening all this time. "Then, you're willing to go rogue?", Nishiki smirked. "I don't want to call it that way", Rikina started walking towards the exit. "I don't know how much will change after this. Touka, I want to drink coffee and talk again, the three of us. You, Me and Yoriko, I am looking forward to that", Rikina waved her hand. Touka felt tight on her chest. 

CCG Arima's Quarters

Rikina entered and saw Arima lying on the couch. "It's quite rare to see you just lying around", the lady sat on the man's stomach. "You're getting heavy. You were just a bag of bones when you came to ask for my personal mentorship", the man sighed. "Arima-san, I had been feeling a throbbing sensation in my eyes. I wonder if it will totally get blind. It bled during the last battle", she narrated. "If that's the case, you might be called the One-Eyed King", Arima said as if he was suggesting something. "How can I be one?", she chuckled and stood. The lady turned to Arima staring at the ceiling. "What do you think of? Arima-san?", Rikina felt nervous with the aura that he was emitting. 

"You said you wanted to kill the One-Eyed king. If he dies, things will start to change", he gave a smile. Rikina's eyes widened and cupped Arima's face.  "Arima-san, don't tell me-", the lady stopped as they heard a knock on the door. 

"We are being called by Marude-san and the Director. It is about catching Kanou", Akira entered the the place. "Imai, I thought you would be in the conference room having a meeting with Ui", the senior investigator was confused about the youngster's presence in Arima's place. "I will stay here in CCG Headquarters. I will be visiting Cochlea as well", she looked away. "You're not planning to betray CCG, right?", Akira stepped forward and held on her shoulder. "I will not betray CCG's principle", the lady looked into her senior's eyes. "What do you mean by that?", Akira furrowed her brow. 

CCG Rooftop

Ui lit a smoke but Rikina threw it away. "That was my last-", the man clicked his tongue. "What?", he turned to Rikina with an annoyed face. "Sorry. I also didn't expect that Hairu-san will-", the lady felt her tongue rolled back. "She's a human. That's natural. If she can bleed, she can lose blood and die. That's the same with me and also with you", Ui sighed and looked at the horizon. The sun is already setting. "I won't join you in the island raid", Rikina said without hesitation. The man just smiled and didn't give any reply. They stayed just looking at the city. 

"Suit yourself", Ui answered after quite some time. "It's only you and Juzou this time. There are no more special classes available", Rikina bit her lip. "There are reliable youngsters with us. I won't promise to bring them all home but I will try to drag some of them back here", Ui had always been aware of Rikina's fondness for Haise's team. "Don't get too much wound. You don't like having them on your body since it takes time to heal", Rikina turned to leave. 

"About Ihei. I never gave it a thought as well. She's strong and there's something about her that makes her move like someone who's not a human. I also thought she would live longer than me. Then, she died", Ui grabbed Rikina's hand. "When I come back here, I don't want to stare at your lifeless body", the investigator said with a straight face. 

"The same should be said of you. See you, Ui-san", Rikina smiled. 

Chapter end. 

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