#23: The Older We Get

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A Month After

24th Ward

Rikina saw the ghouls gathered in the middle of the open space surrounded by ruins. She just visited Amon and her parents who went into hiding. "What are you doing on the side? You should be celebrating your friend's wedding. Come to think of it. Your other friend also got married", Hirako reminded that Rikina is the only one who is left single. "Yap! Thanks for reminding me", she gave a short laugh and sat on top of the nearby car. "Where have you been?", the former follower of Arima sat with her. There is no power gap between them anymore.

"I just visited my parents. I felt homesick lately", the lady sighed. "Why don't you say that you're worried? I heard that the new head of CCG is on the run to look for the Washuu clan and that includes your father who made a fake identity", Hirako heard from Arima how the CCG had been experimenting on them and that the Washuu clan are also ghouls who wanted to become humans. "You're right. I am dead worried. It's quite revolting now that I am getting older. The more I cower in fear in the face of death. When I was younger, I felt so confident that I will go home after every mission. One, because I know I am under Arima's team. Two, when I was taken out from the team, the team members placed under me were stronger and more experienced", the lady was referring to Juzou and the quinxie.

"You don't give yourself much credit, don't you?", the man turned in the direction where Kaneki and Touka are located. Everyone is having fun as if there are no worries or burdens to carry. " Now that we're rebels, I can't say it's also something we can be proud of. At the end of the day, I am still conflicted. Do we have to side with the ghoul because humans are trying to make them extinct? Do we have to fight former comrades even if they're just protecting the rest of humanity and they too, lost a lot because of this cycle of revenge", Hirako stood and jumped down from the car. "It's not every day that we have these moments of beauty so why don't we enjoy them while it's still here", the man offered his hand.

Rikina smiled and reached out to his hand. The humans drank liquor and the ghouls held cups of coffee to get along with the tradition of giving a toast. "Congratulations", Rikina was able to get to the center of the crowd after being greeted by a large number of ghouls who told her that it was a relief that she was on their side. "I can't hear you", Touka elbowed her and she coughed. "That nearly broke three of my ribs", Rikina whined. "You came, Imai", Kaneki gave a gentle smile. It was still the same when he was still Haise. "Kaneki-san. I'm quite jealous that you have to take away my Touka-chan so fast right after I have to lose Yoriko to Takeomi-kun", she sighed and gave a lazy hug to the both of them. "You're heavy. By the way, I'm pregnant", the dark-haired lady complained but Rikina tightened her hug. She closed her eyes and recalled a conversation she had with Karin before she left them in the hands of Amon and Akira. 

You are my greatest treasure, Kina. When your father knew that I was pregnant, he was filled with all kinds of emotions. He wasn't yet sure if all his RC cells died during his self-experiment. If not, you could be carrying those cells and eventually would kill me in childbearing. He doesn't want to kill you but he doesn't want to sacrifice me. I know you are also torn. All your friends are fighting for the cause of having a world free of ghouls but at the same time, you also have friends who are just fighting for their freedom to live. 

Then, what did my father do?

You won't believe this. Are you ready?

Why do you sound excited?

He did nothing. 

Huh? Nothing. Well, that's quite surprising but not in the way I expected. 

It was something he was not in control of. Kina, you cannot save everyone or even be the hero of everybody's story. The hand of destiny will still move whether or not you do something. 

I still don't have an answer. 

Maybe not now, don't be too hard on yourself. It's not a burden you alone should carry. Just do what you can do. Your father waited with all those conflicts in his mind and that's something I really admired. He didn't have to kill any of us, he just waited. 

Rikina pulled away from the hug. Touka and Kaneki were startled to see tears in their eyes. In the lady's mind, she wanted to apologize deeply for disappointing the ghoul's trust in her. "I decided not to do anything. I am not on anyone's side", she looked at the ground. Touka used her knee to give a painful uppercut to the lady who went flying and allowed herself to get slammed into the ground. "That looks painful", Tsukiyama gasped and covered his mouth. "Is there anything wrong?", Hinami also joined. "Touka", Kaneki tried to calm her down. 

"When you decide on something. You should be proud of it. You should said it as if you're not going to regret it!", Touka slightly raised her voice. Rikina sat down with one of her knees raised. She spat blood and chuckled. "Listen, everyone! I am not on your side", she announced. Everyone felt on their toes as one of the strongest investigators was disappointed in their expectations. "But I am not your enemy either, " she said. An arrow of fire was thrown near Kaneki and Touka. "I guess I'm still sold with that idea. I just wonder what you're going to do here", Ayato noticed investigators gathered around. 

Soon, the CCG investigators started having a clash with the ghouls. "Since you're not on anybody's side. You're just going to stand here?", Touka offered her hand. The lady reached out and stood. "I am not asking you this as a ghoul but as your friend. Keep the children safe", the dark-haired lady said before being kicked in the face by Mutsuki. "Touka!", Rikina was about to get in between. "Rikina!", the lady who just got married had her facial expression softened. "From the depth of my heart, I want you to be free of any guilt. I totally understand your decision not to side with anyone. You're still that kind of person. You're one of a kind, a rare airhead, someone who wants to be on everyone's side. Until you can't figure out how, I am still going to give you my support", Touka smiled and used her kagune to push Rikina away from the battlefield by flapping her wing and creating a gust of wind. 


Rikina was able to gather all the children. She came across Saiko. "I know you're not doing something bad but I-", Saiko activated her kagune. The lady was assigned to take care of the exits together with Takeomi. The two investigators gulped. Rikina just continued walking holding a young ghoul in her arms and the rest clinging dearly to her as if she was their lifeline. Saiko and Takeomi felt glued to their feet. 

"You can leave the children to us", they all heard a familiar voice. "Senior Investigator Mado-san and...former First Class Amon-san", Takeomi recognized them. The young ghouls ran to their side. Amon used the debris to cover the tunnel. The three were left. Takeomi still drew his weapon. Saiko knelt down and cried. "Kina-sama! Please save Urie. He actually lied about having another mission just to confront the new CCG Head", she ran to Rikina and hugged her tightly. "Furuta", she pressed her lips together. She remembered having an encounter with the ghoul and losing one-sidedly. "Father also went with him. He already lost his hand so he wouldn't be able to fight just like how he used to", Takeomi said with a sad tone. 

"I can only do as much", Rikina patted Saiko's head. 

Chapter end. 

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