Chapter 12: That Person Inside Me

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Quinxie Residence

"Done", Rikina took a photo of the four. "You look amazing Sassan!", Shirazu and Saiko commented at the same time. "You look beautiful, Tohru", Rikina gave a thumbs up. The investigator just looked down and felt embarrassed to be called beautiful by the one who is gorgeous. "I have a bug placed on your clothes so I will know your location", the lady explained. The four went out. Haise gave her a last glance before leaving.

Urie leaned on the couch loosened his tie and looked at the lady standing behind the couch. "Why did you stay, special class Imai-san?", Urie felt uncomfortable. Rikina lowered herself and leaned on the man's shoulder. "You smell like antiseptic. I grew up visiting my father's clinic and laboratory so I grew accustomed to the smell", the lady said her observation and the closeness made Urie feel her breath. He made some distance. "Your face is all flustered. Were you hiding something from us, Urie-kun?", Rikina activated her quinque. Urie didn't want his secret to be revealed but there's another reason why he flushed.

"I cannot activate my kagune, special class investigator. I will make sure to train with you after this week", the investigator gulped. "Why is that so?", the white head tilted her head. "I am... not feeling well", Urie looked away. "It is such a coincidence that you need one week to rest before you use an additional kagune", Rikina deactivated her quinquie making her less intimidating. Urie can finally look at her heterochromatic eyes. "I won't call you off for wanting to be stronger. We all wanted to. I just hope you'll become more honest with your team leader and trust his judgment as well", Rikina smiled and walked towards Urie. "I'm looking forward to having another training with all of you. I am happy that Saiko is already joining us", the lady placed her arms around Urie who is one year younger than her. She had always looked at the group as her younger siblings.

The Next Day,


"Sorry I'm late", Rikina bowed very low. "Don't be. I know that someone like you is always busy", Yoriko chuckled. She still hasn't told Rikina that she knows what kind of work she's doing. It was something she also held from her lover. "Takeomi-kun, Kuramoto-san is not with you?", the white head looked around. Takeomi shook his head and explained that he was currently on a mission with Hirako without it sounding like a report.

"So what's the news?", Rikina raised her phone. She asked for a quick break from Akira and promised she would return before the raid in the Auction house began. "We're planning to get married this year", Yoriko said holding Takeomi's hand. The man scratched his nape and laughed with Yoriko. Rikina's shoulder relaxed and watched the two. "Is there something wrong, Imai-san?", Takeomi asked. "Congratulations, the both of you", the white-haired joined them holding their hands.

They ate and continued talking about the wedding. "Do you think we can also invite your high school friends?", Takeomi asked. Yoriko looked at Rikina and they both seemed to think of one person in mind.

"She will be happy to hear this, Yoriko", Rikina was referring to Touka.

Auction House Ground

"Where have you been?", Akira heard a motorcycle park behind her. "I am on time. Investigator Takeomi is with me", she said while removing her helmet. The blonde threw her suitcase as well as her coat. "You're just a reinforcement but anything can happen in a raid. Keep your senses sharp", the woman reminded. "I will", she wore the coat. "I will be in the front line, Imai-san", Takeomi bowed and ran to the other side.

"Investigator Hirako and Inveisgator Shimoguchi are in charge of sealing the escape route. We'll be the first ones to catch those bidders", Akira was referring to the ghouls who are attending the auction. They heard screams inside. "It's time to work", the blonde raised her weapon.

After some time, white men in suits dropped from the building. Naki dropped just in front of Rikina. "You're beautiful, investigator. I believe you will taste just like how you look", the man engaged in battle but was immediately pinned down. "I will fight him. The front-line squad hasn't been responding to Marude's call. You are to assist them", Akira said with a confident tone. "I'll be going", Rikina nodded.


The whitehead can see how many of her comrades have fallen already. A ghoul with wings landed in front of her. He was able to get away with Juzou but is still looking for Big Mama, who he is to act as a bodyguard. Since he is wearing a bloody red cloak, Rikina already knows that he's on the enemy's side. Her earpiece gave a signal.

"Imai. I lost contact with Haise. Go and look for him".

"That's if the rabbit will let go of me. It'll be quite difficult to catch two hares at the same time", Rikina threw her weapon to the man who quickly evaded it. He used his wings to produce crystalized kagune that he used to throw on her. Rikina used the casing of her quinque. She opened a smoke screen. "I have no time to play around", Ayato flapped his wings again with more speed. He looked around and didn't see the investigator. "You're spreading your eyes too low", Rikina fell from the ceiling and hung around the man's shoulder. She used her chains to get attached to the ceiling. The lady was about to rip the ghoul's head when Kaneki's scream was heard all over the auction vicinity. Ayato was able to escape and his mask fell.

"Ghoul. Tell me, are you Touka's brother? She never told me about you but looking at your face gives me that information", Rikina landed on the ground. "I have no obligation to answer an enemy", he flew away. The lady covered her face. She nearly ripped off the head of her friend's brother. The lady ran towards the control center.

"That is definitely Haise's scream. Go look for the Control Center".

Control Center

Rikina panted and saw many screens flashed. She saw the screen where Haise is being butchered by Takizawa. "You can turn it off now", she said recognizing the presence of an unknown individual. He was giving a hum but the words are unrecognizable. "I don't see you as a threat but whatever the reasons why you opened the PA system, Sasaki-san's location is now known", the lady was about to tell Marude of the investigator's whereabouts.

"Let him fight alone".

It was Director Yoshitoki's voice. Rikina clenched her fist and still went to the rooftop. Haise was thrown by Takizawa but Rikina used her chains to catch the man. "Another interference?", Takizawa clicked his tongue. "You are... first class Seido Takizawa-san", she paused and recalled Donato telling them the same thing that happened to Amon Kotarou.

She felt blood dripping from Haise who she placed on her side. "Sasaki-san. I'll have a huge scolding from Commander Marude after this. I need you to keep your senses sharp", the lady slashed her hand and squeezed at Haise's mouth. Rikina had clashes with Takizawa and was able to detach one arm but it grew once more.

A strong force grabbed Rikina by the back of her coat and threw her to the next building. "Imai!", Haise regained his consciousness.


Rikina shook her head and looked at the hole that she made being thrown into the area. She felt two of her ribs broken. She tried to locate herself and the nearest team would be Hirako's. "You shouldn't be interfering with their battle. Who knows? This might be the way for him to retrieve his memories", a ghoul covered in bandages went out of hiding. The moon was able to illuminate her physique. "You're strong", the white head commended. "You shouldn't be praising your enemies", Eto chuckled.

Rikina was quick on her feet and slashed the bandages covering Eto's eyes. "Then, are you the One-Eyed King?", the lady said with a serious tone. "I'll give you credit for being this brave. You don't even know what you're dealing with. It's too early to die, Invesitagor Imai", the ghoul stepped back. The lady began to notice her surroundings. There are bodies that were already wrecked open. "Help!", the human prisoners held on the iron bars and shouted at the top of their lungs. Rikina turned to Eto and she was already gone.

Chapter end.

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