34. Media

69 5 10

Swetha's pov:

                      i don't have my phone so i borrowed a laptop from the library of Verma's co. If Anand was trying to distract me from looking at the scandal on my phone by kissing me, then he should know that it is a wrong strategy

i opened the trending sites on Twitter....atleast four trending topics were about me

'wealthy daughter caught cheating'

'parihar's daughter's double dating diary: one is an actor and the other is a millionaire.'

'flash-Parihar and verma families together?'

'most eligible Batchelor anand verma married to swetha parihar!'

and so on, i can easily guess the content of these head lines...

i opened my Instagram account to find thousands of anonymous spam messages-some from Abhay's fans and some from random people......my posts were spammed with vulgar comments

oh, she looks like shit-how dare she play with my abhay

confirmed Abhay Singh lost his date when he choose her

i thought he was dating his manager, who is she even?

ugly bitch

go die-don't torture my abahy

she definitely looks innocent for someone playing with two handsome men at once

what is your secret to seducing so many men?

sugar baby to anand verma

i just heard she is married to anand verma....it is on news

what? hahaha lol no way she is trash.....what abou my super star abhay?

omg, is your husband not enough why are you playing with my abhi baby?

shameless-people in this generation are getting further away from god!

she must be good at taking two at once lol!

the more i looked the more vulgar they got, keyboard warriors who hide behind their screens to attack people.

i really wanted to release a statement and teach them a lesson but.....it is not my mess to clear up-i think i know whose mess this is actually!

i searched my blocked list for his contact-ah found it

 i unblocked and messaged abhay from my Instagram, [meet me at star cafe in an hour]

[okay] his message followed immediately as if he was waiting for me

i went to the verma canteen and brought a snack sandwich for myself then i screenshotted all the evidence and bullying comments

after a while i looked up the new project that verma group is acquiring-i searched for related projects and then did some research.

i found an old similar case...not very similar but it might still help him, so i sent it to his mail and Instagram.

[pdf. this might help with your project]

  [i have some work-i will go home directly after finishing that] my tired eyes left the screen-i look at my watch, an hour has passed-i had to leave now

i went to the cafe it was a 10 min. walk thankfully no paparazzi were present outside the verma.co so i could leave the place silently.

i went in to the cafe, ordered a hazelnut latte for myself and sat down near the door-so that abhay can spot me easily

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