39. Tension in the air

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Anand's pov

i sent my men to search for swetha.....the sun is almost raising and there is no news from them or from her

when all this chaos started-i underestimated the situation, i went home and informed my family about it after knowing the seriousness

my parents went to Parihar house to console swetha's parents

i roamed on the roads searching for her like a madman the whole night

i held my head in annoyance....rithik or whatever your name is- i will find you...a cold glint passed in the air

'swetha? where are you?'

i should have stopped her from going out that morning 

i want to hold her in my arms and kiss her like- wait

i recalled something and immediately got in to my car- while calling chirag

"hello jiju?"

"chirag i am going to the star mall....i think we can trace their location" i replied

"i will be there in 10" i could hear his quickened breathing

we both met at the entrance of the mall....we went inside

"excuse me-can i get the monitor number of this necklace" i asked showing her the necklace number

"sir, are you mr. anand verma?" she asked 

"yes i am-this is my id"

"okay, sir we can give it to you" she replied after checking my id

"i gifted a heart necklace to swetha, when i brought it they said i can take the monitor number but i rejected it thinking i will not be needing it.....actually, this brand installs a location tracker in there jewelry pieces in case they are lost....because of the high cost"

"what?" chirag widened his eyes

"yes, we can track swetha's location with that number...good thing i remembered" me and chirag nodded at each other same time

"sir, this is the number"the sales manager gave me a card

"thank you"

"thank you very much"

i opened my laptop in the car and started checking the location....it took about 10 mins for it to show the exact location

"she wears it all the time, thank god"

"it shows a warehouse in mumbai suburbs" i murmured

"which ware house"- i saw murder instance in Chirag's eyes

"it is an hour away from here" i said

"okay, i will inform my men" he said

we both contacted our men and i started the car

we could actually take the police help but-it is better to not inform them

Chirag's pov

i received divorce papers from my lawyer after two hours with tannu's sign....it broke my heart but i know it is not her....so i focused on finding her instead

in the morning hours, we found out the location with the help of anand jiju....i thought i should have gifted her something like this- i will give it to her next time

we went to the location...the guards stopped us at the entrance

i got out of the car and punched the two guards to death....my anger right now has no bounds-i better see her there right now

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