Chapter 7

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It's took a minute for Zhan to process what just happened. As soon as he realized, he just lost his first kiss without his consent rage filled his heart.

He had run through all the scenarios in his head of what living with Yibo would look like, but he failed to realize that Yibo was extremely daring.

From the first time Zhan saw Yibo looking at him with those eyes, he always felt uneasy. Now, he fully understood why.

The director's idea threw Zhan into the lion's den, and the sad part was the den belonged to the sheep.

The more Zhan thought about Yibo's action, the more angry he got. He stormed out of the room chasing after the man who stole his first kiss.

He wanted to give him a piece of his mind so bad, but Zhan knew he didn't want to talk to him on the hospital grounds and risk someone hearing their conversation. He decided to wait until they got to the car.

Where was Yibo?

Yibo walked out of the room a while ago while Zhan was processing his thoughts, but Zhan couldn't find him.

He searched the hospital corridors. He went down to the reception area, and still, he was nowhere to be found.

He couldn't even ask the nurses because he didn't want to alert them to the fact that he was the one taking Yibo from the hospital. There were already enough rumors going around about them and their relationship.

Finally, he decided to take everything he was carrying in his hands to the car, so thathe could continue searching. And there, standing next to the car, was the man he had just spent the last 30 min searching for.

"You know how to keep someone waiting, Dr. Xiao."

Zhan couldn't contain the rage he felt. Clearly, this man has no respect for him. He wanted to punch him so bad but knew he couldn't.

"What the hell are you saying? You just left without a word, and I had to search for you everywhere!"

"So you were worried about me?"

Zhan took a deep breath to restrain himself from raising his voice.

"Clearly listening is one of the skills you lost because of your head injury. If not, and this is your normal personality, you are a very rude, intrusive, and insensitive man. I am extremely angry right now, so I won't be continuing this conversation any further. Get in the car!"

Yibo got in the car, but he didn't have any intentions of keeping quiet.

"Dr. Xiao,  you called me a lot if uncalled for names back there, and I was convinced that you are a calm and caring person. I am not sure where to place your actions and words right now."

"You do whatever you want, whenever you want and still expect me to act as if nothing happened?"

"When did I do that?"

"For starters, you kissed me without my consent. Why would you think that's OK? Do I look like a woman to you?"

Zhan knew saying this was just a cover because most men would naturally be tempted to kiss women.

"Sorry for not asking for your permission, I just got over excited. I did that without thinking. Also, I don't care that you are a man. When I told you I was going to pursue you, I was clearly aware that i was talking to a man. What I feel for you is not about gender is about the person, you, Dr.Xiao."

"You did that without thinking, so you never even took into account my feelings?"

"OK, let me ask you this, if I had asked you for permission, would you have said yes?"

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