Chapter 18

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It was a well needed nap for both men. Yibo stayed true to his word and didn't engage in any funny business. All he did was hold Zhan close to him and was aware of every movement Zhan made.

As much as Yibo was happy that they both expressed their feelings honestly, he couldn't help but worry.

In a couple of days, he planned to start a war with so many people, and he didn't know where everything would lead.

Even when he was trying to sleep, he was burdened by everything that awaited him.

The most important thing before he can start exposing the corruption and scandals is that he had to get his father out of Ziyi's house.

His uncle helped him discover that his father was not a bad person. He was never unfaithful to his mother, and that he loved Yibo very much.

Ziyi kept drugging him long before Michelle died and started the affair scandal. Yibo wants to confirm the paternity of his half siblings. He felt like he couldn't trust the results that Ziyi presented to the family and to the media. He wanted to clear his father's name, and for him to do that, he needed to get those two retested.

Too many people are under Ziyi's payroll, so he knew that Zhan was his best bet at getting to the bottom of his father's diagnosis and his siblings' paternity. Because of this, he needed to be careful not to expose Zhan to danger. Everything needs to be done discreetly.

The next thing Yibo wants to do is to expose the police officers who helped Ziyi cover up the murders of so many people. At the top of his list was the mystery of how his mother died. He wanted to expose the police first so that the investigation could be done without rotten input.

Then there is the matter of the company. His brother currently runs the company, but Yibo knows his brother is just a pond in Ziyi's games. He doesn't want to take the company away from him, but he wants his brother to be the one running the company, not as a puppet.

His younger sister is a well-known idol and is doing well for herself. And Yibo knew that after he exposed everything, Jingyi would be affected too. It's not easy for an idol to build back their career after it get plagued with scandals. Yibo didn't want to hurt his sister in any way because over the years, he has been a silent sponsor of hers. Yibo always believed in his sisters talets. She is good and what she does, and she works really hard. It would be terrible if Yibo's actions tangled up with Jingyi's dreams.

Yibo knew what to do. The only problem would be to get the necessary parties to play along with him.

There were many things to think through, but one thing was for sure. And that was he wanted to bring Ziyi to her knees. He wanted to destroy her completely.

Yibo was still lost in thought and didn't realize that Zhan had been staring at him for a while. He kept silent because it was clear that whatever Yibo was thinking about didn't need to be disturbed.

"Oh, you are awake now?"

"I have been awake for a while. I have been watching the wheels of your mind turning and the many expressions that were crossing your face."

"Really, well, I guess you have been awake for a while. Are you hungry? Would you like to eat something?"

"No, not really. I am not that hungry."

"If not hungry for food, then would you like to add to your many first with me?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, remember how you were worried about being inexperienced? I can help you with that. I can teach you thing or two."

"Wouldn't that fall under the "Moving-too-fast" umbrella?"

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