Chapter 15

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When Yibo was done with his visit, he slowly went back to meet Yubin, where he had left him waiting.

Yubin knew Yibo very well. He knew his friend didn't like long-winded conversations and hated talking about emotions even more. So he quietly just walked beside him as they made their way back to the car.

"So where would you like to go next?  I can't take you to your house or penthouse, so the only other option would be my place or the oldies?"

"I am not ready to see my grandparents yet, I don't want to put them in danger. They are way too old to be dragged into this mess."

"You mentioned a Zhan earlier. Do you think that guy will wait for you to tie up all these loose ends. You don't even know how long it will take for you to end it all."

"To be honest, I don't know, but I am willing to do anything to win him back. I am just assuming I made enough impact in his life that I at least remain a thought in his mind. As long as he doesn't forget about me, I think I can earn his forgiveness."

"Who is that guy anyway?"

"He is the doctor who saved my life."

"Are you sure you are in love with him? It could just be that you feel indebted to him for saving your life."

"I am 100% sure that I am in love with him. I want him in ways I have never wanted anyone, and I will do anything to keep him safe. I have never wanted to treasure anyone other than him."

"Wow, wow, wow, dude. This sounds serious. I hope he waits for you."

"He might not because I hurt him in my efforts to keep him safe."

"Yibo, what did you do?"

"He always had this huge insecurity that I might already be in a relationship with someone, and I confirmed his worst nightmare so that he does not try to find me."

"What? Why? Couldn't you have just told him about the complicated situation? He sounds like a man who respects himself and others, and if he knows you are taken, he won't fight for you. He might just let you go!"

"I hope not, I hope I have at least awakened him to a world that he can not easily give up."

"Dude, you must have watched too much dramas. Real life and dramas are not the same at all. There are no do overs in real life. You know this better than anyone. You can't hurt someone in the name of protecting them. Hurt is hurt. In the future, should you two decide to be together, do you think you can just erase all the tears, pain, and despair that he is going through right now? Well, assuming he feels the same way. Let me tell you something, people don't forget, even if they choose to forgive, they don't forget."

"Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I thought about all other possibilities before I decided to do what I did?"

"I get that. All I am saying is that you can't make your water dirty just to make sure that no one else drinks it. You won't be able to drink it either. What does that solve? Dude, trust me, you have to go back. Not later, now! You said this guy is smart and thoughtful, and logic, why dont you try to explain, with words, what is going on. I will even help if you need me to."

"Ag, loving and being with someone is so complicated."

"Not really,  and not everything has to be complicated. You like to overthink things."

"No, I am not overthinking. I have just lost too many people to risk losing Zhan as well."

"Dude, if he loves you or even likes you, he might help you with your dad's mental state. The longer Mr Wang stays with Ziyi, the longer the damage will be to his health. Just tell that guy what's going on. That woman has bribed almost everyone to get her way. I think fate brought you guys together. It's your job to do the right thing."

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