chapter 11

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I come in room with porridge that ms hana made and sat infront of her and she made a face then look away from porridge I sigh I have to make her eat this. I took a spoon full of porridge extend towards her she turned her face more away

"Eat yn" I said sternly but she being stubborn as hell , she  turned her back to me,I seriously didn't tolerate anyone tantrums before infront of me and infact not even now but my princess have to be exception and by now I know very much she must me pouting.

"Princess eat a little and if you want something else then I will it bring for you." This time I try to convince her softly like some small child and trust me when I'm saying this she is not less than a baby.

"But something healthy." I remind her sternly after watching her face me quickly after what I said I know what's must be in her mind other than every food except healthy, she whined of some time and  sighed and after thinking of sometime she sit straight from half lying position I know she have to listen to me eventually but that easily I didn't expect that I raise a eyebrow at her as what she wants.

"I want to eat soup made by you."


"I said I want to eat-"

"Oh no no I understand I make one for you till then take some rest " I mumble while smiling softly and made her lie down on bed and tugged her in blanket.

she nodded and close her eyes and i left the room to make e vegetable soup for her I know how to cook well , when I am training for being mafia they also taught me about cooking for emergency but till now I didn't cook for anyone not even for myself but for my yn I can do anything she is going to be first and last for whom I'm gonna cook or will cook.

I made soup in almost half hour and go to her room and  I assume she must be sleeping but she is not as sigh left my mouth for nth time in a day again I told her to rest but she is on her phone. Watching me coming inside she put her phone aside and sit up as after putting soup on night stand as it's hot and I sat on chair beside her bed.

"How you come here at this time?"she ask obvious question  after some time breaking the silence but I don't have answer to give her it's just I was worried as fuck that's why I come here and I can't tell her that.

"Because I got to know you have fever." I spoke and took bowl in my hand take spoonful of soup she looked confused but shrugged it which I thankfull about. taking spoon to her lips but is staring at me with unreadable expression.

"What now?"

"Nothing." She took a bite and like that I feed her whole bowl and to my surprise she didn't protest this time eat quietly I ignore her change in behavior and give her glass of water she drank it in one go as walk to put bowl in kitchen and come back and saw her staring at ceiling and sigh left my mouth I told her to sleep but this girl doing everything than sleeping.

"Didn't I told you to sleep?" I asked and put my hand on her forehead to check temperature then sit beside her on chair looked at her raising a eyebrow.

"Yeah! but I can't sleep."

"And why is that?"

"Um I have insomnia."

"What?" I didn't have any idea about it and now this is one of thousands reasons I should take care of that bastard jimin.

"That's why I can't sleep even if I want." She said in small voice and give him smile. I badly wanted to hold her in my arms. I clear my throat and ask,

"Can I make you fall asleep?" yn chuckle sadly.

"How?"I look at her blankly as I also don't know how but atleast I can try. yn chuckle looking at me and nods her head in approval.

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