(3) The Weight of Words

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        As the siren's wail finally ceased, a heavy silence fell over the room. Erwin Smith, standing at the front, commanded the attention of every member of the Survey Corps with his imposing presence. [Y/N] found herself momentarily unsure of where to stand. Eren and Armin, who had entered the room together, gesticulated for her to join them. Eren's smirk and Armin's smile made it clear they wanted her by their side. Glancing over at Mikasa, Marco, Jean, and Sasha, [Y/N] felt a moment of hesitation. She had already begun to form a bond with Mikasa and standing with her seemed like the natural choice. But the welcoming expressions from Eren and Armin were hard to ignore. Deciding to bridge the gap between her new friends, she gestured subtly to Mikasa, hoping she would understand.

"Mikasa, let's go stand with Eren and Armin," [Y/N] suggested softly. Mikasa's eyes flicked over to where the boys were standing, and she nodded in agreement. Together, they moved to join Eren and Armin, creating a small but unified group.

Sitting next to them, [Y/N] felt a pair of eyes watching her. Turning slightly, her [E/C] eyes met a pair of intense onyx ones. Underboss Levi stood a few paces away, his gaze steady and unreadable. He gave a slight nod, a subtle acknowledgment of her presence. The moment was brief, but it spoke volumes. The young woman returned his nod, feeling an unexpected flutter in her chest. There was something about the way Levi looked at her, a mix of scrutiny and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on that made her heart race slightly, a sensation she hadn't expected to feel in such a high-stakes environment. Self-conscious, she averted her gaze to the boss next to him.

The room buzzed with anticipation as Erwin Smith stepped forward to address the gathered members.

"You must have all noticed that we have new recruits among us," Erwin began, his voice resonating with authority. "A skilled hacker and two individuals who used to work for the police. In a recent mission, they have gathered crucial information on the 'Operation Black Cargo.'" Murmurs rippled through the room as Erwin's words sank in. Eyes turned to [Y/N], Eren, and Armin. [Y/N] felt a mix of curiosity, suspicion, and respect emanating from the faces of her new comrades. Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Marco, Reiner, and the other members of the Survey Corps all watched intently, their expressions a blend of intrigue and disbelief.

''Thanks to [Y/N] [L/N], Armin Arlert, Eren Jaeger, Reiner Braun and Underboss Levi Ackerman, we discovered that the government has been smuggling drugs and women to Marley, engaging in human trafficking for profit and political leverage."

Before Erwin's words could fully sink in, a young man with a buzzcut, someone you didn't recognize, broke the silence. "Wait, so you're telling me the government's been running some sort of twisted import-export business on the side? What's next, a bake sale?" Laughter rippled through the room, the tension easing slightly as the brown-eyed man's comment lightened the mood. Sasha, standing nearby, snickered and gave him a playful nudge. "Maybe they're selling cookies too, Connie. Dark chocolate for a dark business."

Jean rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at his lips. "Only you could turn a serious situation into a joke, Springer."

Next to her, [Y/N] felt the titan-shifter trembling, his fists clenching in anger. ''How can he joke about something like this? They're seling people!'' he muttered under his breath. Without thinking, she placed her hand on his fist, squeezing gently. With a shocked expression across his face, he raised his head to look at her. Smiling gently, she gave him a reassuring nod, then returned to look at Erwin again, not noticing his now fond gaze on her.

Levi let out a short 'tch' sound and everyone's attention returned to Boss Erwin. Ignoring the comments, he continued.

"They've been using their power and influence to kidnap women from the districts, especially those who wouldn't be missed—orphans, runaways, and the poor. They send them in ships to Marley, where they're sold into slavery or worse. The drugs they're smuggling are high-value narcotics, and the entire operation is meant to fund their black-market activities and strengthen their ties with Marley."

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