(18) To the Leader with the Guiding Hand

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In the cozy apartment, a soft murmur of distant traffic serenaded the four figures lounging in the living room. The air had the scent of cigar smoke, as usual, a haze that danced lazily around the chandelier, casting a warm, flickering glow on the plush leather couch. Dom Martinez, with eyes as deep as the night sky, sat comfortably in the corner, his navy gaze piercing through the smoke. His skin was a rich shade of brown that seemed to absorb the light. His black hair, styled with a hint of rebellion, was a stark contrast to the pristine white of Vince Russo's hair, which was as pale as the moon outside. Vince's eyes, an icy blue, twinkled with amusement as he observed the scene before him.

The [H/C] haired woman was nestled in her ex boyfriend's embrace, her heart racing as his hands began to explore her thighs. She knew the touch of danger that came with being with Dom, but she couldn't resist the allure of the muscular man.

Marcus Thompson, known as Mark the Snake, lounged with an air of calculated nonchalance. His curly dark brown hair fell in waves, framing a face that could charm the venom from a serpent. His eyes, a rich shade of brown that often looked almost black, studied the room, ever vigilant despite the casual atmosphere. The piles of money scattered across the coffee table were a testament to their recent successful heist, a tangible proof of their power within the city's underbelly. Vince leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips as he took a puff of his cigar. He blew out a ring of smoke, watching it ascend to the ceiling. "You've got no love for yourself, darling," he said, his voice a smooth drawl that wrapped around the room like velvet. "Letting this man touch you like that after what he's put you through." His gaze held a mix of pity and accusation, aimed at the woman in Dom's arms.

The man in question's hand paused mid-caress, his grip tightening almost imperceptibly. His jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed, the muscles in his neck tensing. He knew Vince's words were a subtle provocation, a playful jab at his expense. But the smirk on Vince's face suggested something more. It wasn't the first time he'd made a comment about their tumultuous history, but it was always with a tone that hinted at his disapproval of their rekindled relationship. "Mind your own business, Vince," Dom murmured, his voice a low rumble that echoed the tension in the room. His thumb traced the hem of her dress, the fabric whispering against her skin as he tried to maintain a facade of calm. [Y/N], felt his grip and looked up at him, her eyes questioning. She knew the history between Dominic and Vincent was complicated, a tapestry of loyalty and rivalry. Vince was a man who didn't miss a beat, always watching, always calculating. His words had hit a nerve, and she could see it in the way her ex boyfriend's hand trembled slightly.

Marcus couldn't resist the opportunity to stir the pot. He chuckled, a sound that was more of a purr than a laugh, and leaned forward, his hands steepled in front of him. "Ah, young love," he said, his voice playful. "So full of passion and... regrets." He winked at her, his grin widening as he reached for a stack of bills, peeling one off with a flourish and flicking it into the air. It danced in the light before landing on her knee. "Don't worry, [Y/N], I've got enough love for all of us."

The tension in the room thickened and Mark's twisted humor had a way of cutting through it like a hot knife through butter. Dom's grip on her thigh eased, and she couldn't help but laugh, the sound a little shaky. It was a strange dance they all did, these men of the underworld, balancing on the edge of a knife, one wrong step and they'd all be tumbling into chaos.

Taking a deep breath, she reached up and placed Dom's hand back on her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's okay," she murmured, her voice a soft reassurance that was lost in the symphony of their heavy breathing and the crackling fireplace. She knew Vince's words had stung, but she didn't want this moment to be ruined by the past. Not again.

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