(7) Mad Doctor's Methods

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Levi stood near the window, his back turned to the room as he gazed out into the darkening sky. He heard the door open behind him and the familiar footsteps of his subordinates filing in. Without turning, he spoke in his usual calm, controlled tone.


Eld Jinn, the squad's second-in-command, stepped forward. "Mission was a success, Boss. We intercepted the shipment and took down the key targets. No casualties on our side."

Levi nodded, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. "Good work."

But there was an undercurrent of tension in Eld's voice, and the Underboss didn't need to turn around to know that something was troubling his team. He turned, his sharp eyes scanning the room, taking in the uneasy expressions of Eld, Oluo, Gunther, Mike, and Petra.

Oluo was the first to voice what was on everyone's mind. "Boss, we need to talk."

Levi raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Go on."

The man glanced around at the others, seeking their silent support before continuing. "It's about those new recruits—the two cops and that hacker. We've been hearing things, and honestly, Boss, we're not sure we can trust them."

Steel colored eyes narrowed. "Are you questioning my judgment?" he asked, his voice dangerously calm.

Eld stepped in, trying to soften the blow. "It's not that, Levi. It's just... we're concerned. Eren and Armin—they used to be on the other side. And [Y/N], she's not exactly... combat material."

A girl with light ginger hair, who had been standing quietly to the side, couldn't hold back any longer. "She's useless in a fight, Levi. We saw her training with you, and she can barely throw a punch on that weak blond-haired boy. How is she supposed to fight against the real threats?"

The leader's eyes flashed with a hint of anger. "Let me make one thing clear," he said, his voice cutting through the room like a knife. "I brought Eren, Armin, and [Y/N] into this organization because I believe they have the potential to be valuable assets. Eren and Armin have already proven themselves by gathering critical information on the 'Black Cargo' operation. As for [Y/N], she might not be a fighter yet, but she's intelligent and resourceful. She managed to land a punch on Eren, which is more than I can say for some of you in your early days."

Petra's expression darkened with jealousy. "But Levi, she's just... she's different. And she seems to be taking up a lot of your time."

Levi's gaze softened ever so slightly as he looked at her. "Different doesn't mean useless, Petra. And if she's taking up my time, it's because I'm training her personally. She has potential, and I intend to help her realize it."

Mike, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Levi, you're our leader, and we trust you. But it's hard to ignore the risks. We've all seen what happens when trust is misplaced."

Levi nodded slowly, acknowledging their concerns. "I understand your worries. But remember, we've all come from different backgrounds. Trust isn't given; it's earned. Eren, Armin, and [Y/N] will earn your trust, just as you've earned mine. Give them time. And until they prove otherwise, they are part of this organization." Eld sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Alright, Boss. We'll give them a chance. But we'll be watching closely." Levi smirked, a hint of his usual confidence returning. "Good. Now, get some rest. You've all earned it."

As the squad dispersed, Petra lingered for a moment, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "Levi," she said quietly, "I just... I want what's best for you. For all of us."

He looked at her, his expression stoic again. "I know, Petra. Trust me. I have everything under control."

With that, the woman nodded and left the room, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts. He knew that earning the trust of his squad would take time, but he was confident that Eren, Armin, and [Y/N] would prove themselves. And deep down, he knew that his decision to trust them was the right one.

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