(21) To Survive

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Wednesday, 00:25am It was the beginning of a long, dark night...

'Pitch black. I can't see anything. But I can feel... they're taking us somewhere...' The words echoed in her mind. Sweat beaded her forehead, each droplet a tiny betrayal sliding down her face. Her eyes searched for light behind the thick fabric of the blindfold, but found only more darkness. Her posture was rigid, knees drawn to her chest, arms wrapped around them, as if trying to shield herself from the invisible threats that lurked beyond the confines of her senses. 'It will be okay.'

The brothel-like environment exuded a sense of misery that clung to everything. A greasy man lounged on a worn-out velvet couch, a cigar clutched between his thick fingers. His name was Viktor Klebb, a notorious trafficker known in the underworld (who, from the looks of it, also works with the government) for his ruthless operations and complete lack of empathy. His bulbous nose and oily skin glistened in the dim light, and his beady eyes scanned the room with predatory intent. Beside him, two women sat listlessly, their eyes hollow and their spirits broken.

A subordinate, the same man who had led Mikasa, Armin and [Y/N] to the backrooms, approached him with eagerness.

''How are the goods?'' Viktor asked.

The man from before bowed slightly, avoiding direct eye contact as he delivered the news. ''They're... exceptional. We have three new girls. I think they'll fetch a very high price."

His boss took a long drag from his cigar, letting the smoke curl around his face before exhaling slowly. "Oh?" he said, his voice a low rumble. "Exceptional, you say? I need to see this for myself." He pushed himself up from the couch with some effort, his bulk shifting awkwardly.

The subordinate nodded quickly, leading Viktor through the dingy corridors of the establishment. The women remained in the room, their eyes downcast, resigned to their fate.

The air inside the ship was thick with the smell of saltwater and desperation. As the blindfolds were ripped away from their eyes, Mikasa, [Y/N], and Armin found themselves in the doorway of a cramped hold filled with the other kidnapped women. Their surroundings were bleak: rusting metal walls, flickering overhead lights, and the constant, rhythmic hum of the ship's engine. The other women, huddled together in groups, looked up with a mix of curiosity and dread at the newcomers. Mikasa's gaze swept over the room, her assassin's instincts kicking in as she took in the faces around her—faces that were hopeless and tired. Armin clung to her arm, his wide blue eyes filled with horror at the sight before them. [Y/N] stood next to them, her heart pounding as she absorbed the reality of their situation. 'This... This has been going on for a long time.'

"Get inside," barked a gruff voice from behind them. The man who had led them here, his face a mask of indifference, shoved them forward. The sudden force caused [Y/N] to stumble, and with a gasp, she fell to the floor.

"[Y/N], are you okay?" Armin was at her side in an instant, his voice filled with genuine concern. His disguise may have fooled their captors, but his worry for his friend was unmistakably real. Mikasa knelt beside them, her obsidian eyes narrowing as she examined [Y/N]'s foot. "You're hurt. You sprained your ankle when you fell down the trapdoor."

The [E/C] eyed woman winced as she looked at her swollen ankle. 'Will I be able to carry out the mission like this?' she thought, her mind racing through the negative scenarios. The pain was sharp, but she knew she couldn't let it stop her. There was too much at stake.

Before they could say more, the door to the hold creaked open again, and a hush fell over the room. The women, all with their heads down, slowly began to raise them. Viktor Klebb stepped inside, his heavy boots echoing against the metal floor. His chilling gaze swept over the room, and despite the fear he inspired, there was a pleased smirk playing on his lips.

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