(11) Experiment #139

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"Hey, Experiment #139, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

The dimly lit facility echoed with the sounds of distant machinery and the muffled cries of children. Experiment #139, sat huddled in a corner of his small cell. His young face was etched with fear and confusion, the sterile smell of the facility clinging to his clothes. He shivered, his small body unable to find warmth in the cold, clinical environment.

A blonde girl with striking blue eyes, another experiment, approached the bars of his cell. She had an air of calm resilience, a curious expression on her face. He looked up, his green eyes wide and innocent despite the horrors he'd witnessed. He hesitated for a moment, then answered with a quiet determination that belied his young age.

"Policeman," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to protect people."

The girl nodded, her eyes softening for a brief moment. "That's a nice dream," she replied, though her tone carried a hint of sadness. "But it's hard to think about the future here, isn't it?"

The child clenched his small fists, a spark of anger flickering in his eyes. "I don't care how hard it is. I'll get out of here. I'll become strong enough to protect everyone!"

The girl gave him a long, thoughtful look before speaking again. "Just stay strong, #139," she said, "Maybe one day, we'll get out of here and make our own futures."

Before the small boy could respond, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway. The girl quickly retreated, her expression once again becoming a mask of indifference. He watched her go, holding onto the small glimmer of hope her words had ignited within him.

Eren woke with a start, the memory of his past dissolving into the cold, harsh reality of his current situation. The cell he was in now was just as cold and unwelcoming as the one from his childhood. The walls were damp, the air thick with the scent of mildew and decay. Chains clinked softly as he shifted, his wrists bound tightly.

He could hear the soft breathing of someone in the adjacent cell.

"[Y/N]," he called out, his voice hoarse from disuse. "Are you there?"

A faint rustling sound came from the next cell, followed by her familiar voice. "Eren? Yes, I'm here. Are you okay?"

He let out a relieved sigh. "I'm fine," he said, though the exhaustion in his voice was evident. "We need to find a way to escape."

''I don't know Eren... I'm losing hope.''

''No, don't think like this,'' his eyes softened for a split second, then hardened again. ''I promise, [Y/N], I'm going to get you out of here.''

Two days had passed in the cold, damp cells. The two prisoners had not seen a single soul since they were locked away. Not Mr. Stoic to interrogate them, not even Mikasa or Armin visited them. The only sounds that punctuated the oppressive silence were their own breaths and the occasional drip of water echoing through the dark, musty corridors. [Y/N] was hungry as hell, her loud stomach echoing through the cells. The only good thing about that was hearing the chuckles of her brown-haired friend.

"Sounds like a thunderstorm brewing in there," Eren joked, his voice a rare source of levity in the darkness. "Maybe if it gets loud enough, it'll scare them into feeding us."

The ex-hacker opened her eyes, looking at the grey, rusty walls of the cell. 'At least I don't have that shitty fabric on my eyes anymore. Why did he even blindfold me? Couldn't stand looking me in the eyes, could he?' [Y/N] sighed softly, her thoughts drifting back to a time not so long ago.

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