(14) Godfather's Return

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The sound of the heavy doors creaking open echoed through the large room, drawing the attention of the weary occupants. Mikasa was the first to step through, her face set in a mask of stoic determination despite the exhaustion evident in her eyes. Beside her, Erwin, bruised and battered but resolute, followed with Mike, Eld, and Bertholdt. The mission of retrieving their leader had taken its toll, leaving them all bearing the scars of their battles.

The sight of the blond haired man brought a wave of mixed emotions through the room. Relief washed over everyone, mingling with the stark reality of their situation. The Godfather of the Survey Corps Mafia was alive, but the weight of their losses and the brutality they had endured was etched deeply in their tired expressions. Levi, nursing a wounded arm, stood straighter as Erwin entered. Blue eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the room before settling on his injured subordinates. Armin, his side bandaged, managed a tired but genuine smile. Hange, the 'Mad Doctor,' flitted from person to person, her normally cheerful demeanor subdued as she tended to the wounds of her friends and allies.

The (ex?)hacker of the Survey Corps sat quietly, her face still stinging from the slap Kenny had delivered. She could feel the bruises forming, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional turmoil churning within her. Her thoughts were a chaotic jumble of relief, anger, and a deep, simmering resolve. She glanced at Eren, who had stayed close to her side since the confrontation. His presence was a comforting anchor amidst her inner storm.

Erwin's gaze swept over the room, taking in the faces of his people. Each one bore the marks of their struggle, yet there was a fierce will in their eyes that reassured him. "It's good to see you all," he said, his voice steady despite his visible fatigue. "We have much to discuss, but first, let's ensure everyone is taken care of."

Levi nodded, stepping forward. "We've managed to secure the hideout. Kenny's men are restrained, but we need to remain vigilant." His eyes flicked to Hange, who was already approaching with a medkit.

The scientist gently guided Erwin to a chair, her hands quick and efficient as she began to examine his injuries. "You're lucky to be alive," she muttered, though there was a hint of affection in her tone. "Try not to make a habit of it."

The leader chuckled softly, wincing slightly as she applied a bandage. "I'll do my best."

Meanwhile, [Y/N] shifted uncomfortably as she sat on the floor. The room felt suffocating, the weight of everything that had happened pressing down on her. She glanced at Eren again, who caught her gaze and offered a reassuring nod. "We got through this," he murmured, his voice low. "We'll get through whatever comes next." She nodded, giving him a sad smile.

The somber atmosphere of the room was thick with tension. The Godfather, despite his visible injuries, looked confident. He addressed the group, his voice steady but filled with urgency. "Operation Black Cargo is in five days," he began, looking around at the weary faces. "I know we have taken a great hit. Kenny's attack has left us battered and bruised, but we have worked hard for this. We must push forward."

A murmur of discontent rippled through the room. The thought of launching such a critical mission with little time to recover was daunting. [Y/N]'s gaze met Erwin's, and she saw the determination burning in his blue eyes. Despite the pain and exhaustion etched on his face, there was an unyielding resolve.

He stepped closer to her, his expression softening slightly. "We can do this," he said, addressing everyone but looking at the girl in front of him. "I believe in each and every one of you." [Y/N] felt a surge of warmth at his words. She nodded, her [E/C] eyes locking onto his. "We'll do whatever it takes," she replied, although she wasn't really sure that her actions would be enough to save her comrades, let alone everyone in Paradis City.

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