(22) Hands Tied Behind My Back

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On another boat, far from the dire situation Mikasa, [Y/N], and Armin found themselves in, the Survey Corps Mafia awaited for their next move. Their ship cut through the dark waters with a grim purpose, the night sky above them clouded and starless.

Levi leaned against the gritty edge of the deck, his eyes unfocused as they stared into the vast, unending sea. The saltwater stretched out before him, a canvas of deep blues and greens that reflected the navy sky like a shattered mirror. The air was brisk, carrying the scent of brine and a hint of something wild and untamed that tickled his nose. The wind whipped through his dark hair, and his expression was as unreadable as ever, he had been in that same spot since they had boarded, his posture rigid and unyielding. The boat, a sturdy vessel belonging to the Survey Corps mafia, cut through the water with a steady grace, carrying them further from the turmoil of the city's embrace.

"Underboss," a voice called out from behind him.

Levi turned his head slightly, recognizing the voice of Jean. The taller man approached him with a mix of caution and concern, his eyes glancing at Ackermann's tense form.

"You should get some rest," Jean said, stopping a few steps away from Levi. "You've been standing like that since we came here."

His boss' reaction was immediate, eyes narrowing. "This is how I sleep," he replied, his tone flat. He then turned back to the sea, his gaze once again lost in the dark horizon. "Besides, you should tell that to Jaeger."

Jean turned around, his eyes landing on Eren, who was a few paces away. The brown haired man was muttering furiously to himself, his fists clenched at his sides. "Damn you, Viktor Klebb! You'll pay for this!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and frustration. Beside him, Bertholdt looked worried, sweatdropping, as he gently shook Eren's shoulder. "Hey, you're dreaming again."

The soldier raised an eyebrow, his confusion evident. "What the hell is he doing?" Levi's eyes flicked back to Eren, his expression unimpressed. "Every time he nods off, he jumps up to pick a fight with the air." Eren's actions were erratic, his body jerking slightly as if in combat with an unseen enemy. His eyes were wild, and his movements were uncoordinated, driven by the rage and helplessness that consumed him even in his sleep. He swung his fists at the empty air, his breath coming in short, furious bursts.

The brown ashy haired man flipped his hair with a casual air. "Good grief, Jaeger looks like shit," he muttered, shaking his head slightly. The strain was evident on Eren's face, his eyes dark and haunted.

Before Jean could continue his thoughts, Connie Springer came up from behind him, finger pointing directly at Jean's face. "Kirstein, you have dark rings under your eyes," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of playful mockery. Jean jumped, startled by the spy's sudden appearance. "Don't sneak up on me like that, Springer! Dammit, you're gonna give me a heart attack," he snapped, his hands gesticulating wildly as he tried to regain his composure. Reiner, observing the exchange, interjected with a knowing look. "You haven't slept either," he noted.

But Kirstein smirked, trying to maintain his usual bravado. "Who, me?'' He puffed out his chest, attempting to look confident. Eren, Reiner, and Connie all gathered around him, clearly not believing a word he says. ''Don't be absurd. I ate well and slept well. I even had some fun with the ladies last night. I'm the very image of composu— Huh?"

Suddenly, all three men jumped on him. "Let me see your face!", "What are you doing?", "Show me your eyes.", "Jaeger, you're stabbing me with your nails!" The blond man, his broad frame acting as the base, held Jean's shoulders firmly down, his grip surprisingly gentle despite the forcefulness of his action. Connie, the lightest of the trio, took a seat on the soldier's chest, his cheeky grin belying the seriousness of their situation. Meanwhile, Eren was grabbing Jean's chin to turn his head.

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