(8) Forgive Her

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As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, [Y/N] found herself woven into the fabric of the Survey Corps Mafia with an unexpected ease. The initial apprehension and uncertainty that had accompanied her forced induction (she had Underboss Levi to thank for that) gradually gave way to a sense of belonging. Two and a half months had passed since she was among them, and she felt the Operation Black Cargo coming closer and closer and she was getting more nervous, despite her daily training and hard work.

The newcomer had proven her worth time and time again, her hacking prowess becoming an invaluable asset to the mafia. She had cracked encrypted databases, intercepted rival communications, and orchestrated digital heists that left the rival organizations reeling. Her ability to outmaneuver and outsmart had earned her the respect of her peers and the trust of her superiors. Yet, it wasn't just her skills as a hacker that had earned her a place in the mafia's inner circle. Day by day, she had found herself growing closer to her comrades, forging bonds that went beyond mere professional courtesy.

In those months, a lot had happened.

For some reason, [Y/N] noticed a subtle shift in Levi's behavior. The training sessions that had once been a regular occurrence became increasingly scarce, replaced by whispered conversations in darkened corners and long hours spent poring over reports. Though she didn't know it at the time, the Underboss had been tirelessly searching for a mole within the organization, his focus consumed by the need to root out the traitor in their midst.

Unaware of the true reason behind the black haired man's absence, the young woman couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had grown accustomed to his patient guidance and unwavering support, and his sudden withdrawal left her feeling adrift.

It wasn't long before Levi made the decision to entrust her training to Petra, one of the mafia's most seasoned operatives. The transition was jarring, to say the least. Where Ackermann had been patient and methodical, Rall was stern and demanding, pushing [Y/N] to her limits.

The young hacker, already feeling the strain of Levi's absence and the weight of her responsibilities, struggled to keep up with her superior's relentless demands. Each training session felt like an uphill battle, her muscles burning with exhaustion as she pushed herself to the brink. But Petra showed no mercy. She was ruthless in her pursuit of perfection, her criticisms cutting like a knife as she pointed out every flaw and mistake. [Y/N] found herself running endless laps, her lungs burning with exertion as Petra's voice echoed in her ears, berating her for her perceived inadequacies.

"You call that aim?" her voice was like ice, cutting through the air with razor-sharp precision. "I've seen better from a blindfolded child. Again!"

[Y/N] gritted her teeth, forcing herself to take aim once more. Her hands trembled with fatigue, the weight of the bow feeling heavier with each passing moment. But she knew better than to protest. Petra brooked no dissent, her authority absolute in the training ground.

As the hours dragged on, [Y/N] felt her resolve begin to waver. She had always prided herself on her resilience, her ability to push through even the toughest of challenges. But her 'mentor's constant barrage of criticism and negativity was wearing her down, chipping away at her confidence piece by piece.

And then, as the exhausted woman stumbled for what felt like the hundredth time, Petra's patience finally snapped. With a scowl of disgust, she marched over to where [Y/N] stood, her brown eyes blazing with barely concealed anger.

"What's the matter with you?" she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "I've seen corpses move with more grace than you. Are you even trying, or are you just wasting my time?"

[Y/N]'s heart sank at Petra's words, the sting of her disappointment cutting deeper than any physical pain. She wanted to explain, to tell her that she was doing her best, that she was exhausted and overwhelmed by the weight of her responsibilities. But the words caught in her throat, choked off by a wave of shame and self-doubt. She felt her cheeks burn with humiliation, her eyes downcast as she struggled to maintain her composure. But before she could protest, a hand reached out to her, offering support and reassurance.

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