(5) Brush with Danger

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        [Y/N] took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I'll do it," she declared, her voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at her insides. She met Eren's gaze with a determined look, silently conveying her resolve. Eren hesitated but finally nodded, stepping into position.

As the sparring began, it quickly became evident that the brown haired man's physical prowess far outmatched hers. He moved with the agility and precision of a seasoned fighter, his body honed from years of rigorous training. The girl's attempts to land a punch were met with deft dodges and parries, Eren effortlessly evading her strikes.

He was holding back, trying not to hurt her, but Levi's sharp eyes missed nothing. "Stop going easy on her, Jaeger, or you'll be punished," Levi barked, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. "This isn't about kindness; it's about survival." The hacker felt the sting of frustration as she continued to miss her mark. Her movements were clumsy and uncoordinated compared to her adversary's fluid grace. Her punches lacked power, and her stamina was quickly waning. Eren's hesitance to fully engage only highlighted her own inadequacies. 'Shit, I must look so stupid right now' she thought.

Levi's gaze bore into her, his words a harsh reminder of the stakes. "Combat is as much about your mind as it is about your body," he said, his tone both stern and instructive. "Use your intelligence. Find his weaknesses."

But despite her best efforts, [Y/N] found herself on the ground, her body aching from exertion and failure. The weight of Levi's expectations and her own self-doubt pressed heavily on her chest. She could feel the edge of defeat creeping in, threatening to overwhelm her.

"Giving up so fast, huh?" Levi's voice cut through the haze of her thoughts, a sharp prod that jolted her back to reality. "Guess you won't be getting that bow after all." Those words stung, igniting a spark of defiance within her. [Y/N] gritted her teeth, forcing herself to remember Levi's earlier advice.

Combat is about the mind too.

She took a moment to study Eren, noting the way he shifted his weight, the subtle telegraphing of his movements. Her hacker's mind, adept at finding patterns and exploiting vulnerabilities, began to formulate a strategy. She pushed herself up, determination in her eyes. The teal-eyed man watched her, his expression a mix of concern and cautious encouragement. She met his eyes, giving a slight nod to indicate she was ready to try again.

As Eren moved towards her, [Y/N] focused not on her own movements but on his. She observed the rhythm of his steps, the slight hesitation in his feints. Timing her move carefully, she feigned another clumsy punch. He dodged, as expected, but she had anticipated this. In the split second it took him to evade, she shifted her stance, pivoting on her heel to bring her other fist around in a sweeping arc. The punch connected, not with overwhelming force, but with enough precision to catch Eren off guard. Pain shot through [Y/N]'s hand, but she reveled in the triumph of the moment. She had done it—she had landed a punch on Eren.

He staggered back, his eyes wide with surprise. The training grounds fell silent, the tension replaced by an air of stunned disbelief.

[Y/N] cradled her throbbing hand, a mixture of pain and pride coursing through her. Despite the ache, a smile spread across her face, a triumphant glow lighting her features. She had proven her worth, not just to Levi and Eren, but to herself. In that moment, she felt a surge of exhilaration, a newfound confidence in her abilities.

The titan shifter blinked, a mix of astonishment and disbelief playing across his features. For a moment, he stood there frozen, trying to process what had just happened, touching his face, where she had landed the punch. His thoughts raced. He had been prepared for her to struggle, to perhaps even give up, but this was unexpected. The shock in his eyes slowly gave way to admiration, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He couldn't help but feel proud of her determination and intelligence, recognizing the strategic brilliance behind her seemingly simple punch. Her determination, her refusal to give up despite the odds, moved him profoundly. He felt a strange stirring within him, an admiration that bordered on something more, though he couldn't fully understand or articulate it.

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