(13) Bonds of Steel and Blood

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Levi Ackermann knew who the Black Talons were. He knew who their leader was. He knew what he did to Mikasa's parents and he knew he couldn't let her find out that the person she was searching for was right inside this building. It would make her world crumble down. So her revenge on Kenny Ackermann wouldn't come just yet. That's why, before heading out to Erwin's office, he sent her, along with Mike, Bertholdt, and Eld to search for the Godfather, who had been captured and kidnapped by Kenny a few hours prior.

After easily infiltrating into the Black Talons' hideout (they left it unguarded, since all of their people were used for the attack on the Survey Corps) Mikasa, Mike, Bertholdt, and Eld raced through the dimly lit corridors of the Black Talons' hideout, their minds were set on one goal: finding their leader. The black haired woman took the lead, her blade at the ready. The four members of the Survey Corps mafia moved in a tight formation, their senses heightened, ready for any threat that might come their way.

'Stupid move.' Ackermann thought to herself. 'It has to be a set-up. They wouldn't just leave their place unguarded like this.' Her eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of an ambush or trap. Mike, his eyes narrowed with suspicion, voiced what they were all thinking. "This feels too easy. Where the hell are they hiding the Boss?"

Eld's calm voice replied, "They have to have a high-security area somewhere in this maze. We need to find their command center or any room that looks important." Berthold nodded in agreement. "Look for reinforced doors, extra security measures, anything that stands out."

As they navigated deeper into the hideout, the eerie silence and the lack of resistance only heightened their tension. Finally, they came upon a reinforced door at the end of a narrow corridor. Mikasa's eyes gleamed with determination. "This has to be it," she whispered. Eld examined the door, noting the heavy locks and the faint hum of machinery behind it. "This is definitely a high-security area. We need to be ready for anything."

Using their skills and a bit of luck, they managed to bypass the locks and opened the door. Inside, they found a dimly lit room filled with monitors, control panels, and several armed guards surrounding Erwin, who was bound to a chair, looking bruised but defiant.

The Godfather's sharp gaze met Mikasa's as soon as the door opened. "You took your time," he said, ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"Had to make sure it wasn't a trap," Mikasa replied, her voice steely.

"Let's get you out of here, Boss," said Eld.

The team sprang into action, their movements swift and lethal. Mikasa's blades flashed as she cut through the armed enemies with precision, her every strike fueled by the need to protect her leader. Mike and Bertholdt provided cover fire, their guns blazing as they took down the remaining guards. Eld moved to free his boss, cutting through the ropes that bound him.

Just as they were about to make their escape, the blond man's blue eyes widened with a mix of realization and urgency, his bushy brows arching. "Wait," he said, "Something isn't right."

Before they could process his warning, from the shadows emerged a figure, her presence radiating a terrifying power. A young woman, who looked like she's in her 20s stepped into the dim light, her ice-blue eyes cold and calculating. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun and a few strands of it framed a face that was both beautiful and stoic. She wore a form-fitting black combat suit, and her posture exuded an air of deadly confidence.

"Looks like you walked right into our trap," she said, her voice dripping with menace. "And now, you'll all die here."

Mikasa immediately moved to the front, her blades drawn and eyes narrowing.

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