27 | Shirt

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I've been awake for like 15 minutes.

At least he was touching me the whole time. It's about to be 6 and my legs are hurting more and more as time passes on. My feet touch the very end of his bed frame as well, so sleeping hasn't been necessarily easy either.

After 5 minutes, I decided to slowly move my way out of the bed, trying not to wake him up. I think he woke up for a couple seconds back went back to sleep. I'm glad he doesn't wake up very easy or else I would feel bad.

I walked out of the room, making sure the door was shut behind me, then went to the kitchen. I wonder if they have anything I can cook for them. I looked in the fridge and there was more in there than I was expecting.

Eggs, milk, sweet tea, some sodas, and even a couple condiments along with regular foods. I saw bacon, so I will cook that and eggs...but not right now, it's too early.

I went to the living room and looked out to the balcony. I would go outside but it's really cold and I only have on a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. The apartment is very cute, but he was right when he said my bedroom and bathroom were the size of it.

It makes me feel so grateful and I'm glad my family is able to provide for us how they have. I also think it's wonderful how they can also provide for themselves enough to get them going. I think this place is the perfect size for just the two of them, they don't need nothing more.

And by the way I hear things, they're rarely ever home at the sametime. It's kind of sad, too, but I think they're used to it by now.

Oh yeah and Ashtyn doesn't know this, but Ashlyn has already put her two weeks in for her job before I even told her everything. She said that her manager and coworkers are very rude to her.

She works in a dialysis lab, so she hasn't found another job that will benefit her like that one did. She said it was great timing for all this to happen, but she still doesn't want me to do all that for them.

Too bad.

I sat on the couch and played some games on my phone until I got that 20 percent notification. I decided to go ahead and start cooking.

I opened the fridge then heard a bedroom door open. "Oh good morning." I heard Ashlyn. "Good morning." I turned around with the bacon.

She was completely dressed and had her purse. "You're cooking?" She questioned, sitting her purse down.

"Yeah, would you like something?" "No thank you, I'm going out for breakfast this morning with a friend."

"Oh okay. Where are your pans?" I asked. "They're right here." She opened a bottom cabinet.

I walked over to her, thanked her, then grabbed a pan. "Sometimes Ash doesn't wake up to his alarms, so just make sure he's awake by 7:30." She picked up her purse again.

"Okay. Have fun with your friend." I told her and she smiled, told me to do good at school then left.

I heard Ashtyn's alarm go off, but he never got up, so I went in there. It's only 6:30, but I want to talk to him before we have to go to school.

"Ashtyn?" I said, but he didn't move. "Ashtyn wake up." I patted his arm a little bit. He rolled the other way and groaned.

I went and turned on the light, he pulled the cover over his eyes and muttered a few curse words.

"I made you breakfast and it's getting cold." I told him then walked out. I heated up his for in the microwave then turned back around to see him walk into the bathroom with no shirt on. I assume he's not fully awake or maybe he's sleep walking.

That's scary.

I took his food out the microwave and set it on the table. "Fuck, I forgot you were here." He said, causing me to turn around. He had his arms crossed just before he turned around and went back to his bedroom, still shirtless.


He came back with my hoodie on. "How did you forget I was here?" I asked.

"I felt like I was asleep for ten years and I thought you left earlier when you got up." He sat down.

"Oh you woke up?" "Yeah but only for like three seconds. Did Ashlyn already leave?" He grabbed the fork.

"Yeah, like 15 minutes ago." "Really? Did she say why?" He ate a piece of bacon.

"She was going out for breakfast with a friend." I sat down across from him. "Oh, probably Ethan. I think they're dating, but she hasn't told me yet."

"Then they're probably not dating." I watched him.

"I think so. She's always hanging out with him or staying at his house, he never stays here though."

"Oh, I take it back then." I put my chin on my hand.

"This isn't quite as good as your moms, but it's pretty good." He stood up with his plate. "Oh really?" I was genuinely surprised.

It's just eggs and bacon...

"Yeah. Anyway, I would say it's my turn to let you have some of my clothes but I don't think anything will fit you." He walked to his room so I got up and followed him.

"What are you saying?" I joked.

"That you're tall as fuck." "You're just shor-"

"Here's your sweatpants." He got my pants from a drawer. "I have clothes in my car."

"Ezra, take your mother fucking clothes." He pushed the pants into my chest. I stumbled backwards, obviously fake, and acting like he hurt me.

"Ow, why would you do that?"

"Oh shut up and go change." He threw a shirt at my face. "You're no fun in the morning." I mumbled, taking the shirt off my head. He was flipping me off and I laughed.

"Get out." He pushed me, shutting the door once I was gone. Sometimes I don't know if he's being serious or not, I'll try and get better at it.

"Ashtyn." I knocked on his door. "Give me a minute."

"I've given you ten. I need a new shirt, this one is too small." I said then looked in the bathroom mirror. It was a tight long sleeve shirt that a dude at the gym would wear.

I mean, if I wanted to show off, then I could wear it, but I'm not the type to do that. I walked back to Ashtyn's door, waiting.

"Jesus, Ashtyn, it shouldn't take this long to put on some clothes." "Don't rush perfection."

"Well sometime perfection happens when you don't mean it to. I'm sure whatever you're going to wear will be fine. You even said yourself you only wear sweatpants."

"Fine whatever." He opened the door. He was just on sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. I looked at him as he was looking me up and down.

"Yeah you can't wear that." He said, turning around, looking for another shirt.

His face looked a little red.

"Why not?" I asked. "You said it was too small." He told me.

"It's not THAT small, it's just a gym shirt." "You're going to school, not the gym." He turned around with another shirt.

"What if I go to the gym after school?" "Stop arguing with me and change." He handed the next long sleeve shirt, it was dark green. I smiled then grabbed the shirt from him.

I went to the bathroom, but didn't shut the door, then changed shirts. It was still a little small, but it wasn't too bad.

"I told you that you weren't going to fit into my clothes." He crossed his arms. "This one will be okay." I told him, handing the tiny shirt back.

"Whatever. I'm going to get coffee before school, you can come if you want." He walked past me, opened Ashlyn's door, then headed to the front door.

I quickly caught up with him and he shut the door, locking it.

I bet he's going to get offended when I tell him I've never had coffee before.

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