57 | Sick

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I'm starting to get extremely worried. 

It's June 12th of 2019 and Ezra has been sick, no, more than sick. He claims he's okay, but he's throwing up five times an hour, he keeps forgetting things, and he can barely get out bed. 

This has been going on for a week and his medications aren't helping. He went to the doctor three days after he wasn't feeling well and they just told him he was running a fever. 

Right now it's 2am and I'm sitting with him in the bathroom because he's throwing up again. I don't like the sound of it, but he doesn't need to be alone. 

I know we're 21 now, but we haven't drank alcohol at all so it's not like it's from that. 

Another ten minutes went by of him being nauseous and I finally gave up. "Come on, we're going to the hospital." I stood up. 

"But-" He tried to argue but he just stopped. I put my arms under his and helped him to his feet. 

"I need a shirt." He mumbled. "You have one in the car." 

He stood up, holding onto the bathroom counter and I grabbed the little trash can. I held his hand and we went downstairs and out to my new car he got me for my birthday. 

It's the same car, just the newest one.  

I opened the passenger side door and let him sit down. I buckled him and put the trash can on his lap then shut the door, going around to the otherside. I didn't drive recklessly, but I was in a bit of a hurry. 

Every now and then he would groan and lean his head back. He threw up twice in the trashcan on the way there. I wasn't even worried about his shirt, in fact I honestly forgot about it until he was sitting in the E.R chair, but it'll be okay. 

I went to the front desk and got him checked in. This will probably take forever, but I need him to get better. 

After I got done doing that, I sat beside him and he laid his head on my shoulder. He's obviously not contagious since I've been around him ever since and I feel fine. 

I wish it was me, not him. 

        The second hour hit and he had his legs in a chair in front of him and is asleep, finally. He hasn't slept in a while. I took this chance to step outside and make a phone call to Ashlyn, she almost didn't answer it. 

"What's wrong?" Her voice was obviously very faint. "I brought Ezra to the hospital a couple hours ago. He still hasn't been feeling any better." 

"What? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I heard something click. "I'm fine, a little tired, but I'll manage." 

"Do you want me to bring some type of food or drink? How long have you been there?" She sounded extremely worried.

"Two hours, we're still waiting to be called back and no, I don't need anything." "If you do, then just tell me. Please let me know how everything goes." 

"Okay, I'm sorry for waking you up." "It's okay, Ashtyn, this is important." 

"Don't stress about it." "You can't tell me not to stress about it." It sounded like she was doing something.

"I just did." I smiled, knowing she definitely rolled her eyes.

"Fair." "Okay, go back to sleep. I'll call you later." 

"Alright, just update me please." "I will." 

"Okay, bye I love you." "Love you too." I hung up the phone. I debated on whether or not to call Abby, but it's too early for me to freak her out. 

She'd be here in a heartbeat.

I walked back inside just in time for Ezra's name to be called. I woke him up and we walked with the doctor to a room. He answered all her questions the best he could. 

There was another man in here and he started sticking IV's and shit in him and it looks like it hurt, but he didn't have any reaction to it. 

Once they left he said "Ashtyn, I'm scared." in the faintest voice. "Why?" I sat on the edge of the bed. 

"I don't know. I-I just don't feel like myself." He grabbed my hand. "I know, there's nothing to be scared of." I told him and he leaned his head back, closing his eyes. 

      I heard a knock on the door so I moved just in time before a man walked in. He greeted Ezra and asked all these questions about how long he's felt like this and what exactly he feels like. 

They scheduled him for an MRI which would happen in about in hour and to press the button if anything was needed.

 I don't like the hospital. 

Yeah this is the first time I've really been in here. Amelia's birth doesn't count because you kinda have to be in the hospital for that. I know you don't have to, but most people do. 

I looked at Ezra's face and he always seems to be in pain now and I hate it. I hope it's nothing bad, probably just severe flu or maybe he got bad food poisoning. 

We did eat at a new restaurant and it was a little sketchy. 

I sat beside him and just admired him. Even in his worst moments, he's so angelic. 

"I love you." He whispered. 

"I love you, too, Ezra." I brought his hand up to my lips then kissed it.

He's barely been able to keep his eyes open, but he finally gave up and kept them closed. 

         MRI has been done and Ezra really rocks this hospital gown.

He doesn't seem to be a huge fan of it, but it's not like he can really take it off of himself. It's kind of sad if you really think about it. 

I just wanted to curl into a ball beside him and never let go, he doesn't deserve this. 

There was a knock and Ezra sat up as the same doctor came in from earlier. He was looking at the papers, but seemed worried. 

"So uh, bad news." 

Oh no. 

"The MRI has scanned a cancerous brain tumor called anaplastic astrocytoma."

My heart dropped.

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