9 | Odd

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He walked away, upset I think.

Did I do something wrong? 

Am I supposed to follow him?

What do I do now? 

I watched him walk all the way back down the long hall and to his room. I looked around from the spot I was standing in. I would like to see the rest of the house, but I shouldn't invade their privacy.

I also would like to give him space, he seemed like he wanted to cry and I'm sure he'd be too embarrassed to do that infront of me. 

I went to the same hall his bedroom was on, but went to the room he said was too small. I opened the door and it was decently crowded and small, but still just a little bigger than my bedroom. 

I shut the door behind me and turned the lights on, it was organized, yet messy. I don't mind it, actually, it reminds me of home. There wasn't no door to go outback in here, though. No closet or nothing.

It's giving me a vibe that this isn't actually a bedroom, but rather an office. This would make the perfect space for an office, I can see it. 

I sat on the bed, which was actually not comfortable at all, and went to grab my phone. I don't have my phone, it's still sitting on Ezra's couch. 

I sighed really hard then sat back against the bed frame. I'll give him ten to twenty minutes to gather himself or else I'll go crazy trying to hold myself back to not go through this stuff. 

        I don't know how long it's been because I don't have a clock. But it's been close enough to 10 minutes for me. 

I got up and left the room, leaving it exactly how it was before I went in there. I thought I heard something in the living room area, so I was very careful with my steps. I put my hand on the door handle to Ezra's room, but stayed looking back.

I quickly went inside and shut the door, locking it. When I turned around, I saw Ezra laying on the bed, facing the big windows the curtains weren't blocking anymore. He didn't look back to see who it was, so he probably knows it's me.

When I got closer, he still didn't say anything. I grabbed my phone, very quietly, then looked at him. The cat was laid on his back in between Ezra's arms and his eyes were closed. His mouth  wasn't really open, but his lips were parted.

He looks so...

No, don't say anything.

I want to take a picture so bad, but that's probably weird. How would he know though? If I was sleeping with a cat like that then I'd want my picture taken.

Whatever, I took the picture then smiled. I went over to the door and looked outside. There was a huge pool and an even bigger backyard. I could also see the lake and a boating house. 

He must have been super tired because I know he was asleep on the couch not super long ago. I wonder how long he was asleep for. I closed to first curtain.

"Hey." I heard him mumbled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I closed the second one then turned around. 

"It's okay, I don't need to go to sleep anyway." He sat halfway up, rubbing his eyes with his left hand.

His right elbow was holding him, but his fingers slowly grazed the cats fur. His hair when it is a little messed up it was I'm living for right now. 

"If you're tired then you should sleep." I told him, not moving. "No, I have to talk to my sister." He sat up, legs off the side of the bed. Winter barely moved, making wonder if he was still alive. 

"Oh, okay. Right now?" I crossed my arms, a little self conscious with his eyes on me. "No, just soon." He moved the hoodie off his wrist and revealed a watch I've never seen on him before. 

He stood up then went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I sat where he just was, so I could pet the cat. I inhaled a decently deep breath and smelled the fresh scent of his sheets, which is weird.

My sheets never smell this good even after they first get washed. Well, they probably have the 50 dollar laundry detergent, so maybe that's why. When I heard the bathroom door open, I stood up so he could have his spot back.

"You can stay there, it's okay." He grabbed the container he brought me earlier, making me feel a little guilty for leaving it. I noticed it looked like he brushed his hair, which made me mad. 

I didn't say anything, I just sat back down and pet the cat. Ashlyn would love this cat so much. I took my phone out and face timed her just as he left the room. 

"I want to see the house right now." She said as soon as her face popped up. "I can't show it to you, but here's his bedroom and cat." I showed her. "Oh my god they're both beautiful." 

"I'll take pictures of what I can later. I called you to show you him though." I pet the cat while he was in the frame. "What's his name?" 

"Winter." "Awwe my god, so cute. Where is he  at?" She was talking about Ezra. 

"The kitchen." "Oh okay. Be safe, please." "Ashlyn, really?" I turned the camera around then laid on my stomach. 

"I'm just saying. You never know, he could be-" I quickly hung up the phone once I heard the door being messed with. 

Ezra came inside the room, looking even more upset than he was earlier. "Are you okay?" I asked.

 "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just have to uh-I have to go take a shower really quick." He went to the bathroom and shut the door.

That was a little odd.

I wonder what happened? I don't want him to be upset, but I know he won't tell me anything, so I don't want to bug him. Hopefully he will open up and feel comfortable enough with me to get things off his chest.

I'll be waiting for that, hoping it comes.

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