33 | Christmas

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I haven't seen Ezra since the 19th and I haven't talked to him since last night. He stayed in Georgia an extra night, so he was supposed to be back last night. Actually early this morning because they didn't leave until later in the night.

I haven't really been able to sleep because I've been thinking about it. It's almost six in the morning and he hasn't texted me since 12. It's a 6 hour drive, but he's not the one driving.

It's really freaking me out but I don't want to go overboard on him when we haven't even been dating a week.

I was pacing back and forth down the hall when Ashlyn came out of her bedroom, rubbing her eyes.

"The hell are you doing?" She asked.

"Ezra hasn't texted me since 12 and he was on the way home from Georgia. What if they wrecked?" I told her.

"Stop stressing, it'll be okay." She went to the kitchen and started some coffee.

"Why are you awake?" "It's kind of hard to sleep when your stomping back and forth." She unlocked the door.

"Why did you unlock the door." "Ethan might come over but I don't know when."

"Oh." I sat down on the couch and looked at the few presents under the tree. I only put Ezra's necklace under there. Me and Ashlyn always get each other the same amount of things, this time it was 3.

We're obviously not picky, so we just get whatever we think is best. She loves cups, so I got her a new cup, a new sweater, and another ring since she lost hers.

I took a deep breath and put my hand on my forehead.

"It'll be okay," She rubbed my shoulder.
"I'm sure he just got busy unpacking and packing for all his trips." She continued to say.

She definitely knows something that I don't.


      Me and Ashlyn already opened each others gifts.

She got me a new hoodie, long sleeve shirt, and some more decorations for my room. I honestly couldn't be happier, I've been wanting all these specific things for a little while now.

"I love you, Ashtyn." She pulled me into a hug. "I love you too." I held her, trying my best not to cry.

This our third christmas without our dad and it's been a little rough, but we got this.

"It's okay." She told me, very quietly. I started crying a little bit and she just held me tighter. Me and my dad were really, really close and when he died it was like my whole life fell apart. I was only 14 and I gave up half my time just to work.

I was working as much as the places would let me just to help Ashlyn pay the bills. We've only lived in this place for the past year and this is like luxury to us compared to what we had.

I sucked it up because crying isn't going to help anything.

"Thank you." I told her, letting go. "No, thank you." She wiped her eyes. Seeing her cry makes me want to cry even more, but I can't. I'm still so stressed out about Ezra that I just can't.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." She grabbed her freshly filled cup and walked away.

I sat on the couch and looked at my phone, going to Ezra's contact and debating if I should call him or not.

I stood up and called him.

I can't take it anymore.

"Hello, darling." He answered. Darling was what he was going to call me last week and I couldn't figure it out. His british side has really been coming out and I love it.

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