Filler Chapter - 7

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Clarissa's POV

He ended up on the floor while she hovered above him with her hands on each side of his face.

"Mate! Mate!" She kept repeating that same word before nuzzling his neck like a dog.

"Mate looks so handsome!" She purred.

Her love was evident through her words and tone, but even without that, her body language was enough to suggest how excited and happy she was to be near her chosen mate. Although she was still in our human form, it seemed like she was wagging her tail.

"Mate smells nice!" She said, sniffing him before licking his neck, the spot where we are supposed to mark him.

"Ellie wants to mark mate!" She said before nibbling on his skin, but she didn't know her own strength in this form, so she ended up tearing his skin, causing blood to trickle down. While I was worried about him, she didn't even blink; she kept smiling like a fool and licked his wound.

"Mate is strong!"

She then pecked him on the lips before wrapping her hands around his torso, clinging to him.

"Mate's body is nice!" She rested her head on his chest, and while all this was happening, he was frozen stiff. He didn't move a finger.

He stared at her sprawled on his chest, looking lost and uncomfortable. That was the first time I had ever seen him like that.

Just then, I heard his voice in my head, "Is she your wolf?"


He continued looking at her like he encountered a being from another planet, even though it was the same face as mine and same body as mine. But it took him a long time to come to his senses and be able to touch her. He tried to get them to sit, but she didn't want to leave him, so he had to use his strength to get them both on their butts. After that, he immediately withdrew his hands and didn't touch her. To me, it felt like he considered touching her cheating on me.

There was a long thick silence between the two, which I'm sure only Theo realized, because Ellie was living her fantasy dreams.

"You..." He started, and Ellie whipped her head up instantly, almost drooling as she said, "Mate's voice is so dreamy!"

"She is definitely your wolf," he mind linked me again.

"I don't drool."

"But you both have the same idea of fawning over every little thing related to me."

"Well, can you blame us?"

Focusing back on her, he continued after clearing his throat. "You said your name is Ellie?"

She left his torso and now wrapped her hands around his neck, clinging to him. "Eleanor, mate! My name, Eleanor! I know mate's name too!"


Silence again enveloped the both of them, and he tried to remove her hands, but she didn't allow him to. "Don't want to be away from mate! Ellie loves mate! Ellie will never leave mate! Ellie belongs with mate!"

"You love me too?" He asked, sounding a bit surprised.

Of course idiot, why else would she be all over you?

She loosened her hold around him slightly to move back and look at him properly. Smiling brightly, she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Ellie loves mate a lot! Ellie loved you before my human!"

He relaxed a bit but didn't seem as comfortable as when he is with me.

"Is that so?"

She again nodded her head energetically as she continued yapping, "Human always confused, always doubting, always insecure, always hurting herself, always turning away from love, always holding back, but not Ellie! Ellie loved you first! Ellie always encouraged human to confess. Ellie always knew you loved us too!"

"Why?" That was all he could ask after her emotional downpour of our feelings.

Smiling gently, she pressed the palm of her right hand against the center of his chest. "I can feel him inside! Ellie knows you will never leave us or hurt us like fated mate!"

His expressions turned blank, and he seemed extremely uncomfortable.

I mind linked her, 'Ellie, do you mean what you said?'

'Yes, I can feel his wolf. It's not a strong presence, but he is there, and he doesn't dislike us!'


When I looked at Theodore again, he seemed like he didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't mind link him.

Ellie who noticed his quiet, grabbed his arm and grinned from ear to ear, switching the topic naturally. "Ellie has a lot to talk about with mate! Human never switches! I hate human! Human monopolizes mate! Ellie wants to spend time with mate too!"


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