Underground Shambles

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Dedicated to ALL OF YOU



This chapter contains vulgar language and some very bloody scenes. So read at your own risk.

I know this story often contain them but the reason I'm posting is because some people often complain about it and I don't want anyone to read something that they don't want to.

So please ENJOY!


Clarissa POV

       The moment we left from Sans Francisco, I felt the same butterflies fluttering in my stomach that erupts every time we leave a location and journey to the new one. 

       I wanted to keep roaming and learning new and different things. However, Mr. Sylvester had other thoughts for he didn't took me to another landscape location instead he took me to somewhere which isn't fit for training or at least I don't think it was built to be used that way. But we are talking of Mr. Sylvester here, so always stay ready for surprises.

       I was quite baffled at the place he brought us because it wasn't a particular place with natural conditions in fact it was entirely different new this time. He brought me to the underground wrestling, boxing and street fighting cellar.

       I gulped as I looked at the swarming crowd of humans, yelling and drinking like there was no tomorrow and in the center stood a big cage made out of metal with all the four sides covered. Three people were in there and I winced when I saw a man on the floor been beaten to death by another who was not leaving him even though he surrendered.

      My eyes widened and I took a step forward to go help him but Mr. Sylvester's arm came in front of me, stopping me. I looked at him with disbelief.

       "Let me go. He will kill him" I said my eyes fixing back on the cage where blood was coming out of that man's mouth.

       "Don't. It is the absolute rule here."

       "What rubbish! I don't care about the rules. And what exactly are these rules, to kill a man even though he surrendered?" I said glaring at Mr. Sylvester and slipped through to go to them but a hand caught my arm and pulled me back as I stumbled on Mr. Sylvester's chest.

       My cheeks burned but I immediately pushed him.

       "That is the rule" he said coldly, my breathing quickened as I looked straight into his signature hard purple eyes.

       I looked at him shocked.

       "You mean...."

      He just nodded in answer.

      Appalled, I turned around to look back at the cage only to find a man checking his breathing and pulse and after a moment he shook his head.

       I stumbled back on my steps with my hands on my mouth as I looked at the men dragging his body away but my back collided with something hard and I knew what it was but I didn't turn back. 

       What is happening here? Why are people being killed and nobody does a thing to stop them?

      "The rule is to either kill or get killed." Mr. Sylvester's cold voice snaked up my arms, shivering me.

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