Meeting My Parents

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Clarissa POV

Mmm, I feel so good, but why do I feel so good? Shouldn't I feel bad that I have to leave in the worst pack ever. But laying here on the soft bed and the peaceful air blowing makes me want to never get up, again. But the reality is reality and I have to face it. I can't have a peaceful moment but why do I fell like I am on heaven now. Last time I checked, my mind stopped suddenly remembering the awful memories that happened with me. I jolted up quickly, abruptly opening my eyes in the process. I immediately got up and started doing my hair in a ponytail before rushing downstairs to make breakfast for the pack.

But as I finally took in my surroundings, my mouth dropped open. My mind just couldn't understand if this was real or just a pigment of my wonderful imagination. Whatever it was, it was lovely. I stumbled on my feet, dumbstruck to see such a beautiful scenery and fall hard on my butt, but it didn't hurt much as I looked down to see I was on floor full of grass there were beautiful trees with colorful flowers , butterflies, birds enjoying the air and greenery. There was a stream nearby adding more to the awesome picture.

Getting on my feet again, I found myself in an simple yet elegant white and gold colour dress (dress above), a gasp came out of my mouth in surprise wondering who this elegant dress belonged too. It's a beautiful dress and I never had the chance to be in a dress like this. I swirl around a little admiring the curves softly, afraid that I might harm the beauty of it.

Is this a dream or..... I suddenly remembered the reason why I opened my eyes. My eyes went wide as fear struck me, all happiness drained in a second.

Is this what I think it is? Am I dead?

"No, dear you are not" called a soft yet familiar voice. I turned myself in the direction, where the voice came from and gasp fill the air, as I saw what I thought I would never be able to see.

There standing in a similar dress as mine is the Lady whom I love the most...... my mom with her signature beautiful smile.

I looked at her for a minute or two not taking my eyes off her, nor even blinking once. Thinking that it might be a dream, I again looked around myself enjoying the scenery but my eyes betrayed me and looked at the only person who stand out the most. My mom.

My heart beat escalated, no this can't be true, she can't be here, or she can be, first the real question is where am I? And why I am here in the first place? Shouldn't I be in the pack hospital or worse on the morgue?

"Don't, dear, don't think like that." Her beautiful voice stopped me from thinking further and without having to order my eyes, they just took me to her.

No this can't be true, I can't be here, its just my mind, playing games with me, stupid mind. Why play such an emotional game? I blinked four, five times and looked at her again, to see she was still there, looking a little bit puzzled, closing my eyes, when i thought she was no longer there, i opened them and I still found her on the same spot.

Rubbing my eyes, I asked "Mom, is that you, are you for real or is this a dream?"

"Sort of, I am in your mind but still I am real if you don't believe me then why don't you come here and give your mumma a hug. Then you can conclude if I am real or not" she said in her motherly voice.

Hesitant at first, I took one or two steps with great reluctance but when I saw her still standing there with her angelic smile. Without thinking twice, I ran towards her full speed and hugged her tight afraid that when I'll release her she will disappear.

"Oh, mom I missed you so much" I cried.

"I know and I missed you too, my dear" my mom said holding me as tight as I was holding her

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