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Clarissa POV

     I finally understood why did someone said that nothing comes without pain, if you want to earn then you'll have to bear the circumstances and this is what I think I am doing right now.

     Mariya is standing in front of me erect and straight like a statue while I am panting kneeling on the ground trying to catch my breath, she took out something she was holding behind her back and it was a.....rope, but mind you it wasn't any rope, it was very thick and heavy, at least it looked like one.

      There was an evil glint in her eyes, making me gulp with fear. Whenever she is that excited, than something bad or worst is waiting for you. In other words, its dangerous. Get out of here as soon as possible. My mind kept repeating this sentence over and over again but I sat there exhausted after 100 laps and 50 push-ups.

      "Get ready for training, Clarissa" she grinned  ear to ear making me more confuse but I dusted of the dust and stood up giving a mock salute.

     "I am ready, Mariya"

      "Then, let's go" she motioned me with her fingers to follow her and I did just like that, minutes later we were going away from the cottage and into the woods, but this time more deeper than usual.

     She kept looking here and there searching for something.

    "No, not this one"
    "This is too broad"
    "This is too weak" she rambled on and on among herself after examining trees which I couldn't understand what for.

    For a second I thought she has gone crazy and just when I grow the guts to ask her she jumped on the spot with excitement squealing like a little girl, her sudden action made me back away a few steps. Turning around she gave me one of her best and most cheerful smiles ever which almost made my jaw drop to the floor. There was a look of excitement and impatience on her face which ran goosebumps down my spine.

     "Something bad is coming, brace yourself Clar" even Ellie was nervous about this.

     Putting the big and heavy rope around the tree which looked like a pole as it was straight like a pole but anyone could be fooled by it, as its look were deceiving but this tree was much stronger and harder then it showed to the world. I know because I used to climb like a monkey as a child. Remember!

      She took the two ends and started going backwards until the ropes were in a U like position. I looked at Mariya quizzically.

     "This, is called Battle Ropes. And today you are going to do some Battle Rope exercises" she finished as pure excitement washed over her face but I stood there still thinking what she just said.

     "Battle rope. Hmm, haven't heard of it before" I said after thinking for a time.

     "Battle ropes offer full body strength training and as well as cardio. They are also defined as wind sprints of your arms" she paused looking at me expectingly, if I understood something. I thought over and over but couldn't understand anything, looking at her, I found her already looking at me hopefully but sadly with my lips twitched down and a frown on my face, I shook my head, no.

     She growled lowly irritated but taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down and looked at me softly.
      "OK.......let's put it simply. These ropes here are very helpful for your body and especially your arms. It will help your arms in moving faster then before and after the exercise you will feel like your arms are floating in air." I just nodded timidly, not knowing what to say.

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