No Breakfast

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Hey everyone! Well actually this is my first story so please give it a chance. I had posted an important note before but later I removed it. The message of this is please comment to let me know where I am wrong and which parts you like or which parts you don't. Thank you.

Hello everyone! I'm a new writer and this is my first story, I know it's seems a cliche mess in the beginning but trust me give this story a chance because I'm trying my best to make this story as different and as interesting as I can. But still there will be mistakes and there will be some problems with my vocabulary but as I said I'm using all my resources to make this as good as I can.

This is not your normal rejection story where the girl cries, begs and returns back to the mate strong and with an attitude to destroy him or take revenge because it is more than that, it follows her journey as she learns many things and unveils many faces who appear to be her friends, it follows her journey from weak and broken to being traumatic and from that to trusting again and then getting strong and choosing herself a mate on her own.

I apologize if this story seems bad to you or this story may not reach to your expectation level or this story seems too violent for you but there will be some action and very emotional scenes, so read at your own risk.

Thank you and once again I apologize if I hurt anybody's feeling in any way.

Have a nice day!


Clarissa POV

         "Clarissa get your fat ass down now" a loud angry voice entered in my sleepy head. I tossed around on the floor, not bothering about the noise as my whole body was protesting and aching but as I registered the words and similar angry voice, my eyes wide opened in horror and my mouth dried up in fear. Oh no! This is not good as I watched to my left to see my alarm clock showing 6. Immediately I jolted up from the floor and started wearing my old faded jeans and T-shirt, getting my hair in a ponytail I rushed downstairs in the dining room, stumbling and staggering on the way.

           Once I reached downstairs panting heavily, I saw the pack beta, standing in the middle of the room wearing a scowl and looking aggravated as usual. I immediately lowered my gaze on the floor like it was a daily routine, actually it was! He abruptly came to me growling between breaths as he grabbed my face roughly and before I could think what was happening, I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek and I fell on the floor with a bruised face. Blood started flowing through my lips in the process but he didn't care as he stalked towards me and before I could get up he started beating and kicking me on my stomach, hands, and legs, everywhere.

           The pain that I was feeling and the misery I was going through broke me not only physically but mentally but I held in my groan of pain as my eyes pricked with tears but not a single tear spilled because there is none left. This has happened with me so many times that after a time I became used to it, I used to cry and beg them for their mercy but they would always laugh evilly and gain satisfaction from my pain as my face would soak in tears and my body in my own blood, I still feel the pain, I still feel hurt that nobody comes to my rescue and nobody believes me but over a time I have started to deal with this in my own way, not crying and not screaming in pain or fear. Why does this happens with me every day is still an unsolved mystery to me but as they said, I'm a shame to not only the pack but also to my parents who brought me into this world, they say I'm vile and filled with nothing good and therefore they think it's a good way to suppress my evil side by keeping me weak and fragile and beating me till I never wake up.

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