Master or Sir?

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Clarissa POV

       The next day came earlier than I thought and without wasting any time to continue my squealing and jumping from last night I got into shower and walked out of my room fresh and excited ignoring that someone might be in kitchen, that is until a gasp left my mouth with shock and I stayed rooted in my spot when I saw Mr. Sylvester standing in the kitchen all dressed up in black and looking incredibly hot and irresistible like always, holding a cup. He didn't looked at me and continued stirring his cup for which I'm thankful or he would say I was checking out his incredibly built form.

     But what the heck I'm thinking, he is a jerk, taking a deep breath I boosted up my self-control and walked in and you could say I was shaking involuntarily which is not good. "Good morning" I muttered slowly when going past him to the refrigerator. He didn't responded back which didn't surprised me though. Sighing I bended a little to check what I should eat when I felt something behind me or rather someone behind me. I could feel his body heat close to mine and I could also feel a pair of purply gaze on my back burning deep holes. My heart started beating furiously and I immediately turned my head around to see him standing close to me looking at me with his usual blank face and cold purple eyes.

      Closing the refrigerator, I stood up straight and got a little away from him. " you need something?" I asked not looking at him.

      "Follow me" he said simply and started walking out of the kitchen when..."But I didn't had my breakfast yet" I tried to explain to him but he just turned around giving me cold and hard look and yelled "Now!" leaving no place for any further argument and without waiting for my response just walked away.

      Idiotic jerk, asshole with an ego so big that you can fill an entire pacific ocean in it. I growled under my breath and with a last look around the kitchen, huffed and walked away, my stomach was growling its own song of hunger making me angry then happy.

      'Woah, what's Pacific Ocean?' Ellie asked amazed.

    'Don't know heard it in our pack' and with that I closed off my mind link and started chasing that rude purple guy who didn't even waited for me.

      I caught up to him and trailed behind him silently making my mood good again because no matter how much I hate him he is also the person who is going to teach me and at least for that sake I should not be disrespectful. He walked silently ahead of me for some distance till we were at a good distance from his house and out in the clearing where the woods weren't sheltering us but it was still dark.

     "Sit" he ordered me quite lowly this time without facing me and I obeyed respectfully sitting on the green field.

     "Have this" he shoved the cup in my face which he was stirring a while back.

     "What's this?" I questioned looking at him sceptically and the black substance in the cup.

     "Drink it and you will know it"

      "Yes, but you can tell me"

     "Black coffee" he said after a long time and I looked in the cup again, it looked black and I don't think he poisoned it because if he wanted me dead then he would have poisoned the food last night.

      "But why this?" I asked confused still not taking the cup.

     "Drink it!"

      "Just tell me why?" I said a little louder.

      "If you ask me one more question then I'll shove it down your throat forcefully after than keep asking questions" he growled flashing in front of my face out of nowhere, surprising me, gasping I scrambled back but he grabbed my hand tightly and tugged the mug in my hand, never breaking his intense and pissed off gaze off me. He left my hand when I finally took it as he almost bruised my hand.

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