Haunted Past

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Recap: After a couple of minutes of determined search, I finally heard it.

Clarissa POV

   I finally heard it, the same hoping voice and it gave hope to me. But unlike last time I heard it loud, maybe it is somewhere near to where we are.

   I now concentrated on tracing its location if I'll find it then I hope Mariya will believe that I can do it and go somewhat easy on me because this completely new personality of hers, of being a teacher is scaring the shit out of me.
    I was still searching the location but couldn't exactly pinpoint it out "Somewhere near my cottage" I thought of the nearest thing to where we are but still a bit far, "No, it think its near the training ground" I said on hearing it again

   "Don't assume tell me where you feel it should be" Mariya's voice came out of the blue that stunned me for a while as I was so busy tracing the rabbit's location and totally forgot that Mariya is still here with me.

  'Of course she would be here dumbo, where else she would be? And by the way if you forgot that Mariya is still here than to whom were you talking and telling the location'  a sarcastic voice talked in the back of my mind and to say I was shocked would be an understatement because I was totally appalled by the same familiar sarcastic voice that spoke to me after so long, I don't want to say this but I missed her witty comments.

   'Don't behave like an overrated actress and stop this drama, we had not talked only for a day, I guess and you are behaving like we haven't talked for ages. And before I forgot did you only missed my witty comebacks or me too' she asked me clearly smirking but I won't give her that satisfaction, I ignored her and finally told Mariya the location

   "Its somewhere near the woods from where I rescued the Alpha's daughter"

   "Are you sure" Mariya assured.

   "Yeah, it is" Before I could continue I heard a faint 'ok'  and suddenly felt a strong gush of wind which lightly shook me, confused I opened my eyes and found that Mariya was nowhere.

   "Mariya" I called out to her but silence was the only answer.

  "Mariya, where are you?"

   "Mariya, are you alright?" Now I was getting worried, what if something happened to her.  I have to get out of this rope, what will I tell everybody, what will I tell Xavier that I endangered Mariya's life just because of my selfishness. What if she has gone after that rabbit and i remember Xavier warned me to not to go there again as that place is near to rogues land and rogues often come there.

   No, i don't think she would have gone there, why would she go. God Mariya, where are you, I tried to get out this damn rope but it was so tight.

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