What Is All This?¿?

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Clarissa's POV

I felt something hard and cold along my back. I shifted to find something comfortable to rest my back on and added to this was the peaceful silence. I'm starting to like it because it has been ages since I felt this peaceful. But the hard throbbing never left my back and it was getting very uncomfortable.

I slowly opened my eyes and was engulfed in a peaceful darkness more like dominating darkness, I felt sweat forming on my forehead. Am I scared? No this couldn't be, because darkness and me have a good chemistry and I don't think I would ever be afraid of it, it would be because of the humidity in the air. Yeah, it would be that. I tried to assure myself. I got up and sat on the ground and looked down to see that it was really hard, it was the reason why I couldn't sleep peacefully.

But on hard thinking, the question that arose in my head was, What am I doing here? And what is this place? How I got here? Why this place is so dark? This is not my room? I stood up abruptly realizing that I am in an unfamiliar place.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I asked out aloud hoping to get a response back but to my dismay it just echoed back.

I looked to around to find someone, someone in particular or at this rate I think anyone would do. But instead I was just met with complete and utter darkness. The once peaceful place which I thought, was gone and it was replaced by a creepy and dreadful silence. The air was so thick with eerie shrilling that it was disturbing to even stand here now.

Suddenly like someone lighted a bulb the past memories exploded in my mind. The Pack training ground - me getting caught - Mariya finding out the reason - helping me train - the tree - rope - Rabbit - getting drenched in lake - flashes of my mate and Alexa - me getting stabbed. I stumbled back a few steps at the awful memory. And closed my eyes to stop my hard breathing.

It was nothing Clarissa, it was just a bad dream. I tried to calm myself down and that is when I recognized the missing presence of someone and that someone who never slips any chance to irritate me. My wolf, and my only friend, Ellie.

'Ellie, are you there, are you okay girl. I am really scares of this place. Can you please tell where are we?' I enquired through our mind link. Usually she would chatter my head off but now all I got in answer was silence.

I again looked around myself hoping to notice me or me them but how could I as all I could see was darkness. I am really starting to question my sanity, is it really dark or have I gone blind? Last time I was in lake. Oh shit! Am I dead because I clearly remember I was getting drowned in it but I do remember a hand trying to pool me out. But if that hand didn't pulled me out. Shit, shit, shit, that means I am really dead. No this can't be, Mariya won't let that happen, she promised me.

"Mariya, are you there" I remembered she was the last person I was with so she should would be knowing where I am, if I am alive that is. Or this is hell? All colors dried of my face on thinking that. My face became pale and I know it must have gotten white due to the horrifying and unacceptable truth. This place was getting really scary now.

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