Where am I?

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This chapter is dedicated to TheUncensoredWriter for making the first comment and voting on my story. Thank you everyone who read my story.


Clarissa POV

When I opened my eyes I saw only darkness. The layer of darkness was so thick that it made my eyes burn and gave me a headache as I was trying so hard to see where I was? And What is this place?

I tried to call out for someone but nothing came out. I frowned, I then moved my hands to search for something, anything that would help me find out where I am. But thanks to my bad luck, I found nothing, I moved my legs too but it was like I was in some dark space with a never ending room and yeah no sound too.

I abruptly stopped in my spot when I remembered what happened before I slipped into darkness.

Am I dead? And if I am than where I am? Am I in hell? I thought afraid, sweat began to form on my forehead and on the back of my neck.

A masculine but sweet voice of laughter filled my ears. I can hear that beautiful voice forever, if his laughter is so sweet than what it would it be like when he would speak? I thought but like always when I was in my own wonderland I didn't realized that the man had stopped laughing. Did I do something wrong?

As if reading my mind the same sweet voice said in a small sheepish voice "No, it's just that no one has ever complimented me before" I can even imagine his cheeks pink due to blushing. At that he cleared his throat and said in a strong voice like a warrior "No, I am not blushing, I am a man and man don't blush don't you know that? And yes I am a warrior"

How did he knew what I was thinking, is he reading my mind "Yes we can read minds and for your earlier doubts, you are in between the alive and dead. And no, you are not in hell" he said, I can imagine the smile in his voice as he said hell, I blushed due to embarrassment.

He continued "your blush is cute, back to the point you are neither dead nor alive you are in between them. You are currently on a very sacred bridge where when anyone comes, never goes back" is he scaring me, if he is than he is doing a good job at that

"No, I am not scaring you, you didn't even let me finish my sentence, what I was saying? Ah! Yes, I was saying when anyone comes here never goes back because this bridge is sacred and that is because it's one end leads to the world of life and at the other end there is other world known as the dead. Whoever is dead only they cross this bridge, when they pass from here to the other end they see the bridge that is why they can't go back to the word of life. Those whom her Highness wants to send back to the world only they are not allowed to see. That's why we take their power of eyes and their voice."

Woah! It's too much too take in at a time but why voice? I understand they don't want people to see but what voice has to do with this. I asked him through mind hoping he heard me.

Just than I heard him chuckling "yeah I heard you. We not only take those people's voices who are to be send back but from the other people also who pass from here too but when they reach the other end they get their voices back" he paused probably giving me time to understand what he said just now and continued

"We do this because we don't want them screaming in this peaceful place when they found out that they are dead" he said

As I put his earlier words where he said who goes from here can see, with this one. I froze on my spot as I suddenly realized something that has to be asked

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