A Flashback.

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Clarissa POV

      Being locked in the dungeons, I paced back and forth trying to find a way out of this situation in which I was trapped. Well, I agree that I did it to myself but still if I didn't have then that stupid guards would have taken Mariya's name and it wouldn't have been nice on my side to drag the one who helped me.

     I again agree on the point that I shouldn't have given in to Mariya's  plan to train me, if I had enough courage and brains and put up a tough front and told her a straight no. Then, I would have been sleeping in my room on my cozy and warm bed with a big smile on my face contented that I was accepted by the pack rather than this chilling, cold and creepy place with nothing to cover myself just a few and bulky guards to stop me from eloping.

     Now, my face is creased with tension and worry rather than my eyes glinting with happiness and peace. I should have been looking for tomorrow to arrive so that I could sign the legal papers and officially become a part of the pack but here I am wishing and praying for tomorrow to never come.

    Tomorrow I would be presented in front of the court and I don't have the courage to look at the hurt and anger in Xavier's eyes.

     Sighing, I sat on the ground with irritation as not a single solution came to my mind, my head was pounding with pain. But, I should not blame Mariya for all this, she was just trying to help me, make me strong and build me into a new fearless girl. This is not me, instead of thanking her for her selfless help, even though she could have been, no, not have been in fact she was almost caught, she still helped me.

     Leaning my head back at the wall, I closed my eyes but sleep left me eternities ago. So, I think I should just memorize all my sweet and beautiful memories before I'm sentenced to death.

     Hours past and the night kept growing darker, and at this time everyone would be deep asleep, the sound of insects ceased little by little but sleep never found me, its like it forgot that I was here and was finding me in my room.

     The guards were always checking me at every 15 minutes and I'm sure they must be near the cage. Yawning, I stretched a little, all the hopes that someone would come and save me was slowly eradicating, I strongly knew no one would come after all in their eyes I'm a traitor but there was some unimaginable hope or wish whatever you call it was constantly nagging me that someone will definitely come.

     Snorting, I brushed aside the useless thoughts and once again absorbed myself with my memories which were not much.

     Another hour past by  and my eyes were drooping and I was mostly looking drunk but my eyes shoot up suddenly when I heard a grunt mixed with whimper which was immediately cut short and the night once again was silent but this silence was uncomfortable, creepy, chilling. My ears stood at attention, my heart was beating furiously but no, not a single sound came, silence, a very weird and terrifying silence. Goosebumps raise up my arm as a cold and harsh wind stormed inside the cell cutting the only light source, the torch, darkness spread across the cell like a blowing fire, a thick silence soon followed.

        Getting up quickly I searched here and there to find someone or to call for the guards but I could not find the door, but then suddenly through the dark I saw a dark figure as the moonlight shone through my cell as if it was waiting for that person.

     A dark figure slowly made its way to the front of my cell, his steps intimidating and confident, my eyes squinted to look at the figure's face but all it was in vain because the person was covered in darkness from head to toe only the form was visible.

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