Getting The Punishment

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        "Begin" the Alpha ordered, signalling the start of war.

Clarissa POV

        I heard two pair of feet coming in my direction, my ears perked up at the noise and concentrated solely on the sound of feet, one stopped before me at a good distance and the other stopped behind me.

        I was waiting for them to make a move but they were peacefully quiet. Sweat was dribbling down my forehead all the way down to my ear. Then suddenly I heard both of them marching towards me at the same time. Oh! So this is their plan, I waited for the right moment and when I heard that they were close enough. I put my plan to action. I quickly ducked down and sprinted to the other direction, when I was sure that there was a good distance between them and me, I stopped, my breathing came out rigid, god, I am so bad, I should exercise. Whom am I kidding, I want to train but they won't let me do it.

       There was a loud crash after my running and they both fall on the ground with a loud thud and started groaning in pain.

      "Get this two useless trainers out of my sight, I will deal with them later, next group" Alpha Tyler ordered.

       I heard another three pair of feet coming for a second, then nothing, not a sound. Oh! No! Either they stopped walking or else they are still walking and getting into positions but silently.

       I then heard a small voice of leaves crunching from my left and right and might I add they sounded close but not that much that they could harm me, still their was not a sign of third.

      A twig snapped from behind me and someone cursed under their  breath incoherently and it was very close. I moved behind quickly to defend myself but I was not so fast because mixed voices of feet running from every direction confused me and I lost the track of sound and turned here and there, to defend myself.

      Abruptly, 2 hands grabbed me by my arm at both the sides and someone I think which is the third one punched me right straight on my face breaking my nose, and my lips split. The two hands which were holding me tightly all this time suddenly released me but then they joined the third one and started punching and kicking me. I bit my lip hard to not to scream, making the blood come out.

        With each blow landing on my face, i found myself getting weaker and weaker and they just got the opposite as their force with each hit got more and more powerful and strong. I brought my hands upto my face to protect myself but it was of no use.

      Seeing that it's not possible to defend myself, I made a dash to run with them following me closely behind and suddenly someone kicked me on my ankle, making it twist in the process and I fell on my knees hard with a loud agonizing scream, very painful, all this time, I tried my best to not them see the pain but now I can't handle it anymore. Tears started to brim my lenses.
        I don't have much energy left and I don't think I can bear it any longer. I will collapse any second now and the continuous beating is doing me no good.

      "Hold on Clar, don't give up yet we will get out of this. Remember we were thrown into situations like this before also. And you fought with courage and determination. Don't lose your will to continue, fight with them." Ellie tried to reassure me but it was not working a bit, I know we faced situations like this before but not this severe, they are trying to kill me, I wish I could die now.

      "Enough, Max go and finish this we have much more important things to do than this" Alpha sneered with hatred, showing off his dominance.

        The three group of trainers returned and I was still on the ground, trying to recollect myself, my heart was beating wildly in my chest ready to burst out my ribcage, my breathing was also not in good condition, I was trying my best to not to choke.

     I had no time to make any plans to get out of this situation as I heard another sound of boots coming towards me, his aura less powerful than Alpha and beta.

        I was still on my knees when Warrior Max came and stood in front of me with attitude. He cracked his knuckles and examined me for a second before,

       "What happened whore, where's your bitchy confidence and attitude, you know that just because of your laziness you are here" he spatted, actually spit on my face.

     I looked at him with disgust and with all energy left in me, I glared at him, while wiping the sticky saliva of my fave with the back of my hand.

       He didn't liked my attitude of challenging him as he growled loudly and punched me with all his force, straight at my jaw, breaking it in the process. The impact was so powerful and as i couldn't take it anymore, I collapsed on the ground, instead of the loud screaming of Ellie to hang in, I just couldn't stand them, they are so powerful in front of me. They finally succeeded in breaking me from the inside out.

      In that moment, I wished to whoever was listening to grant my just single wish, to grant me death. I know there is no one to listen to some Pathetic and worthless omega who killed her own parents, if there was then they would have listened to my countless prayers before and gave me freedom that I hope for, my long yearning for death. And in this moment the lords who live above the clouds, I pray to please end my life. That was my final request as darkness consumed my mind and I hugged it with open arms and promised to never leave it again.

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                                                 From EQ  

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