Curse One: Welcome to Jujutsu High

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Love is tough for a 26-year-old office worker like Violet Everhart. After a few failed flings, she threw in the towel. Modern dating drained her, and she was exhausted from investing her feelings time and again.

Violet often wondered why genuine, pure love seemed so elusive for her, while her peers appeared to have found happiness with their life partners. Honestly, she feared being cheated on or having her heart broken, so she never said 'yes' to any man.

"Sis, I'm heading out. Want me to grab something for you?" Sergius stood at the door, glancing back at Violet.

"Yeah. Can you get me an iced coffee? Matcha flavored," Violet replied in a high-pitched voice, her attention divided between the anime and her brother. With only one day off each week, she cherished any extra time for herself.

As Violet focused entirely on her favorite show, a nearby lightning strike made her blink.

Suddenly, she found herself in a dark room. At first, she thought it was a blackout, explaining the sudden power loss. But it wasn't their living room where she'd been watching Jujutsu Kaisen and enjoying her day off.

"Oh? Looks like the summoning ritual worked," one of the men murmured in surprise.

"This can't be," another muttered, disbelief evident in his tone.

"It's a success!" a third exclaimed triumphantly.

"Now we can finally get rid of those curses," a fourth added eagerly.

"The Divine Maiden is real," a fifth voice whispered in awe.

Voices startled Violet, causing her to jump in her seat. Curses? Divine maiden? What did those words mean? Surely, they weren't talking about her. The lights flickered on, revealing a dozen men circling her, their eyes filled with amazement and curiosity.

"Now, now, let's not get too excited. We need to confirm that we summoned the real Divine Maiden," the old man with a mustache said calmly, his voice authoritative yet kind, quieting the murmuring in the room. "Miss," he began, addressing Violet directly, "I know this must be overwhelming. Please, bear with us."

Violet swallowed hard, her heart racing. "Who are you people? Where am I?" she managed to ask, her voice trembling.

An elder woman with piercing eyes, stepped forward. "Your arrival here is not by chance. You have been chosen."

Violet's mind raced with disbelief. Chosen? This can't be a cult, surely. She can't keep up with what's happening at all. No one is answering her questions. She's getting anxious.

Before she could voice another question, the heavy wooden door creaked open. Her breath caught in her throat as a figure stepped into the room. He moved with an unmistakable grace and confidence that seemed to defy the very laws of physics. Even in the dim light, Violet recognized him instantly.

"Gojo... Satoru?" Violet whispered, her voice barely audible, disbelief coloring her words.

It couldn't be real. It was impossible. Yet, there he was, walking towards her with an air of casual authority, as if this unexpected meeting was the most natural thing in the world.

"Welcome to Jujutsu High School," Gojo Satoru said with a half-smile, his voice a soothing baritone that resonated through the room. He stopped a few feet away from Violet, his gaze meeting hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

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