Curse Five: Change The Story

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Violet settled in her room after her training session with Gojo, her heart pounding with the weight of what she knew about Jujutsu Kaisen. Gojo Satoru, the charismatic and powerful sorcerer adored for his wit and strength, faced an impending tragedy—his imminent death, a twist that devastated both the story's world and its fans. The problem was, Violet only knew this because it had been spoiled by fans; she had only watched the show and didn't know the full story. Gojo himself was unaware that she knew what awaited him.

"I have to do something," Violet muttered to herself, her hands trembling with a mix of excitement and fear. She wasn't just a reader anymore; somehow, she had become a participant in this world, with a chance to alter its course. What's more, she wasn't just any participant—she was the divine maiden.

Earlier, Gojo had mentioned that he would be going with his students to pick up another first-year, and Violet needed to accompany them since he couldn't leave her unprotected. It was only a matter of time before another group of sorcerers learned of her existence.

Violet knew they were headed to meet Nobara, signaling that the story had already begun. She couldn't help but think it would have been easier to save everyone if Itadori hadn't ingested Sukuna's fingers yet—that was the main reason so many of her favorite characters had died.Determined, Violet set out through the winding streets alongside Gojo, marveling at the architecture that had seemed so vivid in her mind's eye.

"Sensei!" Itadori's voice broke her reverie. He and Megumi appeared just as she had seen in the anime, Itadori holding popcorn as if ready to watch a movie, and Megumi looking typically nonchalant. She had found this scene funny when she watched it.

As Violet observed them, reliving the anime episode in real life, a thrill shot through her, confirming that this experience was no dream.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Gojo, who introduced her, "This is Violet, my assistant."
"Nice to meet you, Violet-sensei," Itadori greeted cheerfully.
"Likewise," Violet replied with a nod.
Megumi simply nodded in acknowledgment of Gojo's introduction.

The day passed uneventfully, much to Violet's surprise. The test with Nobara and Itadori unfolded exactly as it had in the anime, as if she were merely a silent observer, invisible to the characters she admired.

Lost in thought, Violet pondered her next move. Should she tell Gojo about what she knew? Something had to change; she couldn't just stay on the sidelines. With so many questions swirling in her mind, Violet decided it was time to talk to Gojo.

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