Curse Fourteen: Reflections of Gojo Satoru

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As Gojo Satoru watched the view of the city from his office, his thoughts wandered back to Violet, the woman who had entered his life like a tempest from another world. She was not just any ordinary person; she was their world's Divine Maiden, a title that carried both reverence and mystery. But to Gojo, she was more than a title or a myth—she was someone he had come to care deeply about, in ways he hadn't expected.

Their first meeting had been unforgettable. The moment he removed his blindfold, he was sure he had died and been sent to heaven. Never had he seen such warm light emanate from a person. The view was exactly what he saw when he unlocked the full potential of his Limitless Cursed technique.

During their training sessions, Gojo found himself drawn to her quiet strength and unwavering resolve. Violet's unyielding determination caught his attention. Despite knowing she could never return to her friends and family in her original world, she fought tirelessly to protect their own. He admired how she faced every challenge head-on, her eyes alight with a determination that mirrored his own. As their missions together became more frequent, Gojo began to see beyond the facade of the Divine Maiden to the person beneath—the person who laughed at his jokes, who shared quiet moments of reflection with him after a long day's battle.

Gojo often found himself reflecting on this as they rested after a particularly rigorous session. Sitting together in a quiet corner of their training ground, he would observe her thoughtful expression as she stared into the distance, perhaps thinking of the life she left behind.

Gojo was used to being the strongest, the most formidable presence in any room, but Violet was a force unto herself, a warrior with a purpose that transcended their own world.He had never been one to easily open up to others, but with Violet, it was different. She understood the weight of their responsibilities, the sacrifices they had to make to protect their world. It's not even the world that she came from. And yet, there was a gentleness to her that Gojo found himself drawn to—a kindness that spoke volumes amidst the chaos of their lives.

But it wasn't just admiration that Gojo felt for Violet. As their bond deepened, so did his feelings. He found himself thinking about her when they were apart, wondering how she was faring in a world that was still so new to her. He wanted to protect her, not just as the Divine Maiden, but as someone who had come to mean more to him than he ever thought possible.

As he watched the sun set over the city, Gojo couldn't help but smile to himself. Violet had changed his world in ways he hadn't anticipated.

"I wonder if she knows how much she means to me," Gojo mused quietly, his gaze lingering on the horizon where the last rays of sunlight painted the sky in hues of orange and pink.

A knock interrupted Gojo's thoughts.

"Come in," Gojo's voice called warmly from inside.

Pushing the door open, Violet stepped into the spacious office.

Gojo's face lit up with a bright smile when he saw her. "Hey, Violet. What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner together," she said, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I thought... maybe we could unwind after today's training session."

"Dinner, huh? Sounds like a plan. Just give me a minute to wrap things up here," Gojo replied, considering her offer with a playful gleam in his eyes.

Violet nodded, relief washing over her. She had been unsure how he would respond, despite their growing camaraderie outside of missions and training.

As Gojo gathered his things and shut down his computer, he glanced at Violet. "So, any preferences for dinner tonight?"

She shook her head slightly. "Not really. I'm fine with anything."

"Alright then," Gojo said with a grin as he stood up. "Let's go and find something good to eat."

As they walked side by side down the corridor towards the elevator, Violet couldn't help but feel grateful for Gojo's easygoing nature and the friendship that was steadily blossoming between them.

Gojo would surely confess his feelings to Violet soon. But for now, as the city below began to light up with the glow of evening, Gojo allowed himself to savor the moment—a simple evening together, sharing a meal and laughter with someone who had become more than just a partner in battle.

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