Curse Seven: Divine Intervention

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Yuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisaki, and Megumi Fushiguro stood at the entrance of the forbidding prison, tasked with exorcising what they thought was a regular curse haunting its halls. The air inside was thick with malice, an ominous sign that something more sinister awaited them.

"This place gives me the creeps," Nobara muttered, adjusting her straw doll nails nervously.Megumi scanned the surroundings with a furrowed brow. "Be on guard. There's a high probability this isn't an ordinary curse."

Just as they ventured deeper into the prison's depths, the shadows seemed to shift, and a malevolent presence materialized before them—a Special Grade Curse, its eerie form pulsating with dark energy.

Yuji clenched his fists, determination etched on his face. "Let's do this!"

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the prison, Gojo Satoru and Violet observed the unfolding events with keen interest. Violet, with her knowledge of future events, knew the dire consequences if things went awry.

"They're walking into a trap," Violet murmured, her voice tense with worry.

"They're facing a Special Grade Curse just like you said," Gojo noted, his eyes narrowing behind his blindfold. "We need to intervene."

Violet nodded solemnly. "Yuji's in grave danger. If he lets Sukuna take over, he'll..."

Gojo's expression hardened. "We won't let that happen."

With a shared understanding of the imminent threat, Gojo and Violet swiftly entered the prison, their steps purposeful and their minds focused on protecting Yuji and his companions.

As Yuji gritted his teeth, preparing for another strike, Violet's presence shimmered beside him, her divine energy resonating like the sun's glow.

Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi watched in awe as Violet raised her hands.

"What's she doing?" Nobara whispered, eyes wide with amazement.

Megumi's gaze narrowed, his analytical mind processing the rapid sequence of divine incantations Violet wove into the fabric of reality. "It looks like... she's channeling pure divine energy."

The three of them didn't know that Violet was the divine maiden.

Without hesitation, Violet unleashed a torrent of sacred energy directly at the curse. With that one strike of pure divine energy, the Special Grade Curse vanished like it was nothing.

Violet was also quite surprised that she was that powerful. No one knew that she could unleash her divine energy in that way. Not even Gojo and the elders—everyone thought she had to touch a curse or curse user to activate it, but that wasn't the case.

Silence fell over them, broken only by Gojo Satoru's voice. "Well, well," Gojo remarked, his voice tinged with genuine admiration. "That was quite the display, Violet."

Violet met Gojo's gaze with a humble smile. "Thank you, Gojo. I'm just glad it's over and no one was hurt."

Gojo chuckled softly, stepping closer to Violet and gesturing towards the remnants of the curse. "You obliterated a Special Grade Curse. I'm impressed."

Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi exchanged surprised glances at Gojo's rare praise. They had never seen their sensei openly acknowledge someone's abilities in such a manner before.

Megumi spoke up, his voice reflecting the curiosity that brewed in his mind. "Violet-sensei, what kind of technique was that? It was unlike anything I've seen before."

"She's the divine maiden," Gojo answered on her behalf.

Nobara whistled softly, impressed. "Well, I don't know what that is, but it definitely did the job. That curse didn't stand a chance against you."

Yuji nodded enthusiastically, his respect for Violet growing even deeper. "You're amazing, Violet-sensei. I'm glad you're on our side."

Violet's cheeks warmed with a faint blush at their words of praise. "Thank you, all of you. I'm honored to fight alongside such skilled sorcerers." Violet's words were true. All three of them are incredibly skilled, and they will become even stronger in the future if they can avoid tragedies along their path.

Violet felt relieved that Yuji had not died.

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