Curse Four: Training

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As the early morning mist curled around the Jujutsu High School field, casting a serene veil over the training grounds, Violet stood uncertainly, her gaze fixed on the figure before her: Gojo Satoru.

"You ready for this?" Gojo asked, his voice deep and reassuring.

Violet nodded, trying to suppress the nervous flutter in her stomach. She felt vulnerable and exposed. Determined to reclaim her sense of security, she found herself standing there, about to embark on a journey she never anticipated.

"First, we start with the basics," Gojo began, stepping closer to her. He demonstrated a simple stance, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands raised in a defensive position. Violet mimicked his movements, feeling awkward and clumsy.
"Relax," Gojo advised gently, adjusting her posture with a firm yet gentle touch. "You need to feel grounded, balanced."

With each movement, Gojo explained the mechanics—the pivot of the hips, the precise placement of the feet, the fluidity of motion. Violet absorbed his teachings eagerly, surprised by how natural it felt under his patient guidance. After all, he was Gojo Satoru.

"Good," Gojo praised as Violet executed a punch with more confidence. "Now, let's try a block."They practiced in rhythmic repetition, the sound of their movements filling the quiet space. Violet focused solely on Gojo's instructions, his voice becoming her anchor amidst the whirlwind of thoughts in her mind. She knew she could excel if she put her mind and heart into it—that was one of her best qualities.

As the session progressed, Gojo introduced her to techniques that required closer contact—grappling, evasive maneuvers, and defensive holds.

"Your punches and movements would be stronger and faster if imbued with curse energy, but for someone without it, you're doing great," Gojo encouraged, his eyes warm with approval. "You've got a natural talent for this."

Violet's cheeks flushed with a mix of pride and something else she couldn't quite name. Gojo Satoru praised her! It was like a dream come true. She felt even more motivated to do this training. She couldn't use curse energy; instead, she had to engage in close combat against curse users and curses alike to activate her divine energy and defeat them. With Gojo as her guide, that challenge seemed less daunting.

"Okay, let's take a break," Gojo suggested finally, sensing the strain in Violet's muscles. They retreated to the field ground, sitting side by side in companionable silence. Violet's heart still raced from the adrenaline of the workout, but a sense of contentment settled over her.

"Thank you," she said softly, breaking the quiet. "For teaching me."

Gojo turned to her, his gaze steady and unwavering. "It's my pleasure," he replied sincerely. "You're stronger than you think, Violet."

She smiled, grateful for his words. In that moment, the weight of expectations pressed upon her, Violet couldn't help but feel a pang of fear. In this world, she grappled not only with the daunting task of eradicating curses and sorcerers but also with the unspoken pressure to fulfill a role she never imagined for herself. She realized with Gojo by her side, she knew she had found a formidable ally—a teacher who not only taught her to fight but also reminded her of the strength within her.

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