Curse Two: Divine Maiden

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Violet couldn't comprehend what was happening. She was face-to-face with Gojo Satoru himself. So many questions raced through her mind—why was she summoned to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen? Why did this happen to her? Why her?

"Mmm... You must have a lot of questions. I'm Gojo Satoru. What's your name?" Violet thought Gojo would have a different voice, and everyone here would speak Japanese, but she was wrong. Gojo spoke with the exact voice from the anime, and they all spoke English, which fascinated her.

"V-Violet... Violet E-Everhart," she stuttered. Panic and worry churned deep inside her. She was thrilled to be summoned, being a huge fan of Gojo, but the reality of possibly having to fight curses unsettled her. Violet wasn't athletic; she went to the gym to lose weight, not battle monsters.

"Violet, eh?" Gojo removed his blindfold, revealing eyes that Violet thought were the prettiest she had ever seen—pure, clear blue like an angel's. His beauty was truly otherworldly.

A wide smile spread across Gojo's face as he looked at Violet. "There isn't a trace of curse energy in her aura. I couldn't believe I was witnessing such a pure energy," he thought. He had thought the elders were mad to summon a divine maiden, but here she stood.

Before Gojo announced Violet's identity, he wanted to confirm one last thing. "May I touch you?" His question surprised her, but she understood Gojo's abilities. With a slight nod, she closed her eyes.

She felt his touch on the top of her head. "Well, that settles it! Everyoneeee, she's the Divine Maiden," Gojo announced loudly to the room.

"Not only does she possess divine energy, but curse energy doesn't affect her either. She's basically a holy being." Violet tried to process Gojo's words. She had watched the anime, but nothing had prepared her for this revelation about divine energy or a character like her.

The elders, observing the scene with a mixture of reverence and relief, stepped forward. "Violet Everhart, you have been chosen as the divine maiden," one of them began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge. "In our world, there exists a balance between the natural and supernatural. Curses, malevolent spirits born of negative emotions, threaten this balance. You possess a unique ability to purify and neutralize these curses, thanks to your divine energy."

Violet's head spun with the enormity of their revelation. "But why me?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"You were chosen because of your pure heart and untapped potential," another elder explained kindly. "The prophecy foretold of one who would come from another world, untouched by curse energy, to aid us in our battle against the growing threat of curses."

Gojo nodded in agreement, his blindfold back in place. "You are here to help us protect both our world and yours from the dangers of curses. Your role as the divine maiden is crucial."

Violet took a shaky breath, feeling the weight of their words settling upon her shoulders. "I... I'm not sure I can do this. I'm just... me."

As Violet's words hung in the air, Gojo Satoru and the elders exchanged knowing glances, their expressions softening with empathy and understanding.

Gojo stepped closer to Violet, his presence reassuring yet firm.

"Violet," Gojo began in a calm tone, his blue eyes meeting hers with unwavering confidence. "Being the divine maiden doesn't mean you have to be someone you're not. Your purity of heart and your strength as an individual are exactly why you were chosen."

The elders nodded in agreement, their voices blending in a chorus of encouragement.

"We understand this is overwhelming," one elder spoke gently, "but trust in yourself. The power you possess is not just about strength in battle, but the courage to face the unknown with determination."

Violet looked from Gojo to the elders, their words sinking in slowly. She felt a mix of fear and uncertainty, but also a glimmer of hope. "I... I don't know if I'm ready for this," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Gojo smiled warmly, his expression softening. "No one ever is, at first," he replied reassuringly. "But you have a strength within you that even you may not fully realize yet.

"I will help you."

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