Curse Nine: Sukuna's Intrusion

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Violet stood beside Gojo Satoru in the bustling courtyard of Tokyo Jujutsu High School, surrounded by Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji Itadori, and Megumi Fushiguro. The students were deeply engrossed in their training against curses, their determination palpable in the vibrant atmosphere.

Approaching them with a mix of curiosity and respect, Nobara, Yuji, and Megumi greeted them warmly. "Hey, Gojo-sensei, Violet-sensei," Nobara chirped cheerfully.

Megumi, ever the analytical one, directed his attention to Violet. "Gojo-sensei mentioned before that you're the divine maiden. I've heard about it, but I'm still not entirely clear on the details.""Yuji tried explaining after our last encounter," Megumi added.

"I see," Violet sighed with a tinge of disappointment. "Unfortunately, we were interrupted before we could delve deeper. I was looking forward to spending more time with all of you."Gojo chuckled softly, breaking the tension. "That's precisely why we're here today, Violet. To continue where we left off."

Violet's lips curved into a slight smile, noticing a glimmer of amusement in Gojo's eyes behind his iconic blindfold—something she hadn't seen before. Is it because of her smile? Violet tried to shake it off. She was kinda delusional as a fangirl. She's still a Gojo fan.

"I come from another world," Violet began, deciding to open up to them. The elders had entrusted the students with this knowledge for her safety, emphasizing the importance of their discretion.

The trio exchanged surprised glances, their interest piqued.

"Another world?" Yuji repeated, his voice tinged with wonder.

"Like another dimension?" Megumi added, his curiosity evident in his tone.

Violet nodded, her smile gentle as she confirmed their speculations. "Yes, I was summoned here as a divine maiden to aid in the battle against curses."

Nobara's eyes widened in awe. "That's incredible! So, you have some kind of magical abilities?"

"In a way, yes," Violet replied with a soft chuckle.

Yuji scratched his head, processing this newfound information. "So, you're not just a regular sorcerer?"

"Exactly," Violet affirmed, appreciating their interest and openness. "In my world, I possess different abilities, but here, I'm learning to harness my divine energy to combat curses alongside all of you."

Megumi nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the implications. "It must be quite an adjustment for you."

Violet's eyes glistened with gratitude as she sensed Megumi's genuine concern. "It is, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to fight alongside such skilled sorcerers."

Nobara beamed, her enthusiasm undiminished. "Well, welcome to the team, Violet-sensei! You'll fit right in with us oddballs."

Yuji grinned warmly. "Yeah, and don't worry, we'll show you everything you need to know."Gojo watched with pride as his students embraced Violet, extending their support and camaraderie. "As your instructor," he interjected, his voice resonant with assurance, "I'll ensure Violet receives the training she needs to excel in our world."

Violet nodded appreciatively, feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance among her new friends.

Their conversation was abruptly halted by a chilling presence that enveloped them, disrupting the peaceful moment. A dark aura emanated from Yuji, who appeared momentarily overcome by an unseen force.

"Sukuna," Gojo's authoritative voice cut through the tension, his gaze sharp as he assessed the situation.

A sinister grin twisted Yuji's features, his eyes devoid of warmth as Sukuna's voice resonated through him. "Well, well, what do we have here? A divine maiden from another world. How intriguing."

Violet remained composed, her resolve unwavering in the face of Sukuna's menacing presence. "I won't allow you to harm anyone here, Sukuna."

Gojo stepped forward protectively, commanding Sukuna to leave Yuji's body.Sukuna's laughter echoed ominously, hinting at darker intentions. "Oh, Gojo, always the buzzkill. But don't worry, I'm just getting started."

With a surge of malevolent energy, Sukuna withdrew from Yuji's form, leaving him shaken but unharmed. The courtyard fell into a tense silence, the lingering darkness dissipating into an uneasy calm.

As the students reassured Yuji and Violet, Gojo's gaze swept over them, his expression resolute yet reassuring. "Stay vigilant, everyone. Sukuna is unpredictable, but together, we are stronger."

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